5 Gate Hawaii – Photo Journey Introduction
Fifth Gate began for me a few months ago. The energies were strong and continued to accelerate up until the day of its official Activation. For the past month or so, I was immersed in preparations. Never before, have I had to do so much. There were the arrangements with the hotel and the complicated […]
On Saturday, October 19th, we left the hotel by bus and car at 5:00 am to make the 2 1/2 hour drive to our Activation Site on the southern part of the Big Island. When we arrived, some people were already there and the site was beautifully prepared with flower bedecked pathways and a magnificent […]
KALASARA…. It all began one day when a handful of Beamings from around the planet gathered together in a small room on a Big Island in the middle of the ocean. I looked around at everyone’s beautiful faces. Some knew exactly why they had come, and were glowing with anticipation. Others had no idea why […]
LAWRENCE, KANSAS, USA: Dawn…. Just wanted to briefly update you on the Lawrence Anchor Group. We did manage to pull off a wonderful ceremony that started late Friday night and lasted long into Saturday night. We all felt the energy and hope you felt us, too. Now all the participants are well aware of a […]
LUXEMBOURG: Sultana Raza … There were five of us to anchor the Fifth Gate in Luxembourg for the first time. We entered a state of Oneness and incredible upliftment. The energies were very powerful, but we were helped by our angels and spiritual guides. There was a strong shift when we went through the Fifth […]
MATTAWAN, MICHIGAN, USA: Linda … Our 5th Gate Anchor experience was incredible. A total of 11 people showed up to participate in anchoring the energy coming in with this Gate. This allowed for the formation of a 5 pointed star (10 people/ one Guardian – facilitator) for the Starry Processional. We opened ceremony with a […]
COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, USA: Angel… Our day’s activities began at high noon Texas time (7 a.m. Hawaii), when all nine of us joined in a smudging of the rooms where we would be anchoring the 5th gate energies. Outside in the rain, symbols of the four elements marked the four directions on each side of […]