8 Gate 1 Mallorca – Photo Journey Introduction
At every 11:11 Master Cylinder, Anastra comes up with a very original and unique way to honor Solara for all she has done on our behalf. This time, Anastra created an amazing journey through a labyrinth of silk scarves that dropped one by one as Solara passed through. At several points along the way, Solara […]
The experience of an 11:11 Master Cylinder is a unique and sublime experience. For me it was the most REAL experience ever. And is still happening…. like an ever flowing River of Love…. From my first contact with 11:11 one year ago on 11 February 2006, when I participated at my first 11:11 workshop facilitated […]
Kent, England UK Splended day for the planet and all thereon! Lovely people, Anchor Groups all around in great collective alignment as the Master Cylinder grandly accepted and birthed those incoming injections of pure love of Lotus Heart energies. Thankyou for the occasion, for the gift. Love n’ bless…. Alec Chnistos Gabbitas Chicago, Illinois USA […]
Mexico City, Mexico Toronto, Ontario, Canada Our exchange and coming together was sacred and beautiful in every way. Everyone’s contribution and spontaneous initiative weave itself in a sanctuary of healing. The altar of intent was vibrating with Light, prayer and goodness. The presence of the four elements: Water, Earth, Fire and Air come in […]
Osório, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil More than two months of prepatarion, one week of intense activity and preparation of our energy for the big day. It finally arrived and we were completely involved by the unconditional Love, completely dedicated to what we proposed to do. Loving and whole people were there, and then everything […]
São Paolo, Brazil We were 48 people in total, with 9 Guardians in position at all times. We danced the Starry Processional Dance for 66 minutes without a pause…. we just couldn’t stop dancing it, as it was so strong and powerful. During the Activation, I saw a huge clear Lotus Flower, like a crystal, […]
Stepnogorsk, Kazakhstan The Anchor Group of Stepnogorsk joins with you in congratulations for the Activation of the 8th Gate and Entering the Lotus Heart of Truest Love. The 11th of February was a brilliant day and we indeed felt the flow of energy from the Core of the Earth and Heaven, with responsibility. It felt […]
Bucuresti, Romania The 8th Gate energies have been working with me since the Activation, and now I can say what a wonderful experience I have had; what a miracle it was for me to discover another aspect of my being! Sometimes during the Activation, I felt a little ashamed of what I was feeling – […]
Santa María de Cadins, Girona, Spain It´s difficult to put into words what we felt during our journey of last February 11th, when we gathered together with all the Anchor Groups around the world. Our experience was deeply touching and we felt so much Love. Our eight person group danced the Earth-Star Dance around 12 […]
Caracas, Venezuela I participated in the 8th Gate Activation with the Anchor Group organized by Abjini in Caracas. It was a truly unique experience. I’ve learned and I’ve gained so much during the years and devoted myself to spirituality. However, by actively participating in the present process and after being part of the 8th Gate […]
Moscow, Russia There were 60 people in our Anchor Group and we danced in a powerful stream of energy the whole day. Our technical gadgets behaved crazily: the air conditioner went on and off by itself, the CD player paused automatically and the video camera burned out! At first, we decided to have five Guardians, […]
Mallorca, Spain We want to thank you, Annu and Solara, for your pleasant and rewarding letter. It is a great pleasure for our whole group that, together with the rest of the Anchor Groups, we contributed in this wonderful undertaking. We achieved it as One and we love the feeling of knowing this. From the […]
Hudson, Quebec, Canada We did it! Again, Solara’s feeling that it would be the most powerful 11:11 Gate Activation since 1992 was correct. What can be said when everything and everyone is in the right place, at the right moment? It is difficult to describe the essence of such a moment, even more since French […]