1 Gate Egypt — Photo Journey Introduction
The Great Pyramids
Giza, Egypt
January 11 – 12, 1992
With Deep Love and Gratitude to:
Kumari and Ramariel whose support was invaluable.
Our brilliant Musicians: Etherium (John Mazzei) & Elariul (Erik Berglund).
With eternal gratitude to all the shining ones who joined with us
at the Master Cylinders in Egypt and New Zealand.
Filming, Editing and Post Production: Akiel, E-Ma-Náku, Solara & Zaragusta.
The Staff of Star-Borne for organizational help.
And to all of our magnificent One Being who participated in
Anchor Groups worldwide to Open the 11:11 Doorway.
I’ve had these amazing photos in albums at my home since 1992.
Now it is finally time to share them.
Although the quality of the now-aged photographs is not excellent,
the energy of what we achieved in January 1992 can still be strongly felt.
Over 500 people participated in our 11:11 Activation Ceremony.
At night, most of the people returned to the warmth of their hotel rooms,
yet the Activation continued on with a small and dedicated group.
We began our Ceremony at 12:11 am and continued for 38 hours without stopping.
We danced all night, all the next day, all the following night,
and continued until 2:11 pm of the second day.
It was very cold in Egypt in January. We were without food, blankets or shelter.
And yet we kept on until the Doorway of the 11:11 was fully open.
I dedicate these photos to the participants of the First Gate Master Cylinder in Giza, Egypt.
With eternal gratitude. Well done!