5 Gate Hawaii – Anchor Group Reports Part Five
Pam & Scilla … On the Wednesday before the 19th October, we all did a meditation in the evening, linking with each other, and focussing on our intent for the day of the 5th Gate. We felt this had an effect on the day.
There were eleven of us on the day which was held on a beautiful meadow called Moon Meadow. This land is a pure ancient grassland, that feels as if it has been loved and cared for all of its existence. It was a privilege to be able to hold our ceremony there again; we had held the 4th Gate there too.
At 11.11am we joined together in meditation on the meadow as a preparation for both the dances and ceremonies, and being a Guardian during the day.. So we each took our turns being a Guardian for half an hour at a time, holding the energies on the inner planes, steadfast with love and light, whilst wrapped in our blankets to keep our physical bodies warm.
We felt the energy build as we did the Starry Processional Dance for the Hawaiian sunrise which was 17.17 hours our local time. As the sun set in a fiery orange sky in the west, the moon rose as a large yellow disc in the east. It was so beautiful we didn’t know which way to look.
We again did the Starry Processional Dance leading up to 11.11pm, finishing with our Five Element Dance we had created. At its climax there was a shift, and a sense of calm mellowness emerged and blossomed. Although it was very cold, we had a beautiful sunny day, and a clear frosty moonlit night.
For some reason the generator for our lights mysteriously failed in the latter part of the evening (it started immediately the next morning). So our final dances were done in the pure silvery moonlight. Amist rose all around us, just as we dancing the Five Element Dance and it faded away as we finished our closing ceremony, when we linked again with all the groups and with the Hawaiian Master Cylinder in the No-Time. We all would like to thank those in the groups around the world and the Master Cylinder in Hawaii who helped to make this a wonderful day.
Cristiane Boog … I was so happy to see the pictures of the Activation of th 5th Gate in Hawaii… The energy of the Activation here was very very strong… we were three women and the ceremony was simple and beautifuul… The day before I was cleaning the room for the ceremony and I could see billions of Angels helping me… That vision was so powerful… Well, during the ceremony I felt the energy of the Master Cylinder so strongly… And I think we really anchored it and spreaded it for the whole globe… And we also felt the energy of giant beings of Light like Jesus, Saint Germain, Archangel Michael, Mother Mary… Was beautiful… Thank you so much for doing what you do…
Brenda Taylor … On the morning of the 19th I awoke at 5:00 a.m. feeling gentle energies thoughout my body. I got up for about a half an hour then went back to bed feeling quite peaceful. I later found out from one of the people attendingÊthe Anchor Group that she had also woke up at the same time.
I wasn’t sure that morning just how many would be attending as there were people who said they were coming then cancelled,those who expressed interest that I didn’t hear back fromÊand those who decided they were coming the day before. We ended up being a group of 11. How appropriate ! Four of those attending travelled from the Toronto area and were people I hadn’t met until the 19th.
What an amazing group that came together that day ! The space in our home where most of the activities were to take place had been prepared. I had smudgedÊand did a Reiki clearing in the room. Representatives of the four elements had been placed in the four directions. There were candles and flowers and a map of the world withÊthe Master Cylinder and all the Anchor Groups marked on it with heart stickers hanging on the wall.
I started the gathering at 2:00 p.m. with a few arriving a little later than that. After introductions and theÊsmudging of each of us we did the GO. I gave my vision for the day and read a few passages from «Living Large». We then gathered in a semi-circle around the map. With everyone in the One Heart position and my partner Matthew drumming, we connected to the Master Cylinder and all the otherÊAnchor Groups as I read the list. Those who arrived later did their own connection in front of the map.
My friend Jill then led us in a relaxation meditation. The 11th person arrived in time to join us in a meditation on what Personal Freedom means to us personally. After the sharing of our meditation, we had a drumming circle. The sound was fabulous and the group was in a celebratory mood.
We then got to work and went over the dances we were going to be doing. The Dance of the Five Elements was created and it was decided to do this before supper. I had chosen a piece of music titled «Rebirth» and was to be the Guardian for this dance. Before starting the dance I asked everyone to pick a direction and go to it to express their gratitude to each of the four elements. The dance was very joyful and with the coloured scarves quite festive.
We then took a break and shared a potluck supper. After eating we sat in a circle as another friend, Sheila, quietly drummed. We did some chanting and sounding then everyone became silent and went into the One Heart. We were now ready to do the Sacred Spiral Dance. Although I did not have the steps to this dance, we created one based on my memory of it from the Fourth Gate, a friend, Nancy’s (she is a dancer ) input and from the group as a whole. Lisa was the Guardian. This is the dance when the energies were felt the strongest.
At the end of the practised steps, everyone wentÊinto free dance. It then became veryÊapparent to us that the energies were pouring in. People began to stand still, some going into the One Heart position. I moved over beside Lisa and went into the One Heart. One person had her forehead on the floor.
With my eyes closed, I began to see images. I could see Solara, a huge bonfire, a short male figure with darkish skin and wearingÊa hat drumming and what looked like the airplane flight routes that you see in the airline magazines ( lines radiating out from different points in the world ). I felt my heart beating faster ( this was a little unnerving ).
Others in the group laterÊsaid thatÊthey hadÊfelt the same heart palpitations as I did.ÊThe music seemed to go on for a very long time. We took a much needed break ! One of the group felt it was now time for her to leave. With ten of us left, it was decided to have two Guardians for the Earth-Star Dance.
We definitely all got into being the Earth Beings. I’m sure if anyone had walked by the house at this time they would have heard us ! During the connecting of the Star and Earth beings, one of the partnerships began giggling and this spread. Others began to smile. I feel this is an expression of the sheer joy of being One.
Noelle, one of the Guardians, saw a heart forming during this dance and also an eagle. Sheila, the other Guardian, could feel the immense power of the Earth beings. I felt this dance much more physically than I did during the Fourth Gate Activation.
I had hoped to do the Lotus Dance outside, but it was cold and wet out so we decided to do it inside. Again this dance was done from memory and group input. We lit the candles that I had asked people to bring and placed them around the room. It was transformed ! At the end of the dance, I said thank-you to the group and felt my eyes filling up with tears. I was greatly moved by the group’s reverence and dedication throughout the day.
We then did some more drumming and got a little silly. Earlier in the day, we had joked about playing some disco music to bring our energies up, so for fun I put on some Bee Gee’s music and we danced and laughed together. It felt very freeing.
The evening was drawing to a close. The people from Toronto felt it was time to go. The others stayed for a while and chatted and had a snack. It was around 11:00 pm by the time everyone had left.
We definitely experienced the energy of «spontaneity, celebration and expansiveness.» Talking with Matthew after everyone hadÊgone,Êhe expressed that he felt we opened to the energies during the dance of the Five Elements, received them during the Sacred Spiral Dance, grounded them with the Earth- Star Dance and sent them out during the Lotus Dance. I would have to agree with him on this.
Thank-you Solara for all that you do in the process of our remembering. I want to thank Joe, Cindy, Lisa and Tania for travelling from Toronto to anchor the energies with us. Your presence was very special to us all. Thank-you to my dear friends Noelle, Nancy, Jill, Sheila and D’Aracy for yourÊsupport and input in helping to make the day what it was. Thank-you to my sister Marilee who connected with us from Vancouver B.C. and also to all the others who did the same. A special note of gratitude to Matthew for your ongoing love, support and encouragement.
Part of Personal Freedom for me was getting out of my box and actually facilitating this group. I feel very blessed. What a powerful experience !