6 Gate Ireland — Anchor Group Reports Part Five
I am happy to share with you that during our ceremonies and prayers for 6th Gate — we had 720 people at our Pax Meditation Center — all dressed in white and praying for UNITY — it was very special — We forgot to take pictures, but for 7th Gate for sure we will send you pictures. We did the Celebrations at PAX Center, Heloísa Lassálvia who directs Pax spiritual work with me, prepared a special room for Archangel Michael and the Doorway where people received the blessings individually after Dancing and Praying, communing with all peoples of Earth that sacred day. Many could feel the blessings pouring and filling Mother Earth.
It was very special because there were many people who have been attending since first 11: 11 Gate; some people met you when you came to Brasil for the first time and we look forward to having you here soon.
Thanks SOLARA for being with us at this amazing time of planetary transformation and thanks for channeling all 11:11 codes for UNITY — May Archangel Michael and all Masters of Light bless you eternally for this great work you are doing for humankind and Mother Earth.
Many blessings from the people of Brasil. Lots of Love, Peace & Light.…..Carmen Balhestero
My experience was magical and very peaceful, though no less powerful for its quiet onset. I created a circle of incense and invited the 8 directions as is my way. I used crystals and flowers for symbolic focus and anchored myself solidly to the earth’s heart energies. As I sat silent and meditational, I received guidance to begin movement which was done, then an entourage of animals began to make an appearance adding their energy to the anchoring. My pets insisted on being very close with me at this time. It was all very peaceful and almost as if in slow motion, yet felt deeply through every fibre of my being and energy field.
Several times the energy rose and intesified only to rebalance itself in perfect harmony as I continued to follow the interior guidance I received. A blessing not to be overlooked is that while we are having a tremendous mosquito and fly season here, not a single insect pestered. It was truly the topping on a beautiful experience. Since then my energy field has been very strongly energized and raised.
I would love to participate as an anchor group in the next gate opening…..Much Love Sheila B.
Our Externsteine 6th Gate Story or How We Anchored the 6th Gate in Mongolia:
With a group of 8 starry people we anchored the 6th Gate at Externsteine, Germany, an ancient, mystical group of rocks in mid-northwestern Germany that has leyline connecions throughout Europe.
Two days before the Activation, I drew a map of the Anchor Groups in all the world. It seemed a little pity that there was no Anchor Group in wide parts of Asia and Africa. When I left home for the Activation site, I took a book with me: ≥Steine, Baeume, Menschentraeume» (≥Stones, Trees, Human Dreams») by Ingeborg Luedeling, a woman who works with geomantics. I remembered that in one chapter of this book it was told about a personal mystical experience the author had at Externsteine, but I did not remember the exact content of it.
For the Activation we chose a rock that was a little hidden in the forest. We did not go to the central rocks where there are always lots of tourists, especially on a sunny weekend around Whitsuntide. We had our ceremony again at the rock where I also anchored the 5th Gate and the 1st and 3rd part of the 3rd Gate.
As a central part of our ceremony we did a longer meditation in that we aligned with the Master Cylinder, brought the 6th Gate energy to our site, filled ourselves with the energy and poured it out into the whole planet. I was leading the meditation and I always mentioned certain greater regions of the earth to be filled with the energy e.g. the Arab Peninsula, Indochina, the Central Asian CIS countries etc. but in most cases not certain countries. When we spread the light over Asia, suddenly Melina said ≥Mongolia». So this country became a special focus.
After a final Lotus Dance, we were sitting together and eating. I read out the story in the book I had with me. It came out that it happened exact at the rock where we had our ceremony. In her dream journey the author Ingeborg Luedeling floated away and got to meet a tribe of riders in the Mongolian grasslands. We got to know that there must be a dimension gate between our rock and Mongolia. So we recognized that in our ceremony we anchored the 6th Gate (as it happened before with the 5th Gate and part 1 and 3 of the 3 rd Gate) not only at Externsteine, Germany but also in the Mongolian grasslands.
Thank you for this marvellous energy. These days are very special now that the 6th Gate is open and the Venus transit will happen in a few days.
Love and Light.…..Wachtsangel Rosranan Antareon-Ra
Aloha Solara,
Isa!! What a wondrous time you have helped us into. Burleigh Heads is positively sparkling these days!!
As you opened 6th Gate it was Saturday night here……. I just could not sleep…….. I was so in the moment of what you were doing……..merging further into the One and really aware of how the veils were thinning. All the week before I had been rereading the book 11:11 and getting more insights into this grand journey of ours.
As you say, we have been turned inside out, and I for one am absolutely delighted!! Through this entire period, I have been writing a book about Fijian tapa cloth (they call it masi). I just realised this morning how appropriate that has been, for like the inner bark, I have been torn away from my inner trunk, stripped of my outer bark , turned inside out and beaten and folded until my structures were broken down and spread to a fine gauze-like consistency. And now I am being felted into union with others to form the giant sheet of masi. What an amazing analogy……
I have just reread Altazar……. such a wondrous book. I wasn’t ready for all its insights when I first read it 4 years ago…….. so much now makes sense as I reread it. I just wish I had the book EL*AN*RA:The Healing of Orion……I would so love to read it…….. is it still inprint?
OK……I will let you go….I am sure you are still accommodating all that happened to you……..Once again, many many thanks for all your work……. you are a wonder.
Thank you Solara for your immediate support before the Activation. It was most appreciated. We ended up with a group of 4. What I can report is that about an hour before the set end time, my hands went up in the air in a receiving position and I felt compelled not
to move as this powerful energy was surging into my hands for a good 20 minutes. It was very powerful.
I will be holding another Activation Anchor Group in October. Thank you for this opportunity.
big smiles.….Kelly Lynn
Dear Solara:
May you be blessed for your marvelous and great work. With all my heart and with tears of joy I want to thank you personally and on behalf of Alajuela’s Anchor Group. We were 24 people, less than those present at the 5th Gate (38 people), but much more united, although many of us scarcely knew each other. We also felt as One Heart with all the other Anchor Groups, the Master Cylinder and all visible and invisible participants. To all of them many thanks.
Due to technical problems with Omashar’s recordings at the 5th Gate, I had to prepare another music for the dances. I spent two weeks working full time for the 6th Gate Opening. Two weeks of intense work and immense happiness, during which I received so much from the Eldest Brothers, that I wish to share and send you all the Grace contained in this heart at this moment. May this force fulfill your motivation and give you strength enough for the next Gates.
In addition to the GO, we made a mudra with a decree to join the power of the Masculine Ray with the love of the Feminine Ray to pursue the perfect equilibrum of the reborn Christ consciousness, in regard to Kitaro’s music, the Light of Spirit. This was the strongest for all participants and it united us in such a way that the Starry Processional Dance flowed without any difficulty; we found this dance very difficult during the 5th Gate. With all my love.…. ASHRAEL.