What is the 11:11?
Millions of people have one thing in common; they keep seeing the numbers 11:11. These people come from all countries, all races, walks of life, and levels of awareness. Even schoolchildren have a knowing that when they see 11:11, it’s time to make a wish. At first, it seems like a mere coincidence; then it […]
Here are some commonly asked questions on the 11:11. If you have any others, please email us and they will be answered here. QUESTION: What is the connection between 11:11 and Ascension? SOLARA: My understanding of this has clarified and expanded over the years. I now see that ascension— the sense of «going someplace else»—is […]
Here are some commonly asked questions on the 11:11. If you have any others, please email us and they will be answered here. QUESTION: Why are so many of your books out of print? SOLARA: Good question. Several of my books have been out of print because they needed to be totally rewritten and updated. […]
Here are some commonly asked questions on the 11:11. If you have any others, please email us and they will be answered here. QUESTION: How do you know when 11:11 Gate Activations will take place and where the Master Cylinders will be? Also, how do you know the Keynotes for each Gate? SOLARA: A lot […]