out 26 2012 in 11 Portal Preparações 1 by chefguy
A small group demonstrated the Starry Procession.
They also demonstrated how NOT to do it.
And possible things that might happen at the end of the dance.
Next, everyone danced the Starry Procession.
Our beloved Omashar is a vital part of each 11:11 Activation.
His songs sing the story of our amazing journey into Oneness, like nothing else.
Nova and Omashar have known each other for 22 years.
Omashar and Jorge collaborate on a new song of the Heart of AN.
Solara embracing Omashar before a session.
In another session, we taught the different forms of Xuá!!
Including the leaping into our new True Lives Xuá!!
Here we go!!!
XUA !!!!
XUA !!!!