Окт 28 2012 in 11 Врата Подготовка 1 by chefguy
We practice the brilliant 11:11 Mudras.
The Third Gate Mudra
Eighth Gate Mudra
A small group of Facilitators made a video of the 11:11 Mudras. Here is First Gate.
Fourth Gate
Sixth Gate
Ninth Gate
On the night before the Activation, we discovered the missing part of the Eleventh Gate Mudra.
The Jewels in the Crown.
One day we were graced by visitors from Mexico, led by Lucy Martinez.
Lucy presents Solara with a gift of copal.
We were gifted with a dance.
During another session, we wrote the final chapter of our Old Stories.
It was deeply moving to read them to the others in our group
And even more touching to hear other's stories.
And liberating to finally finish our Old Stories.