Oct 25 2011 in Preparations by emanaku
Our Conference Room at the Tunupa Lodge in Ollantaytambo
where we held two days of preparations for our 11/11/11 Ceremony.
There were gorgeous views from our Meeting Room in all directions.
The amazing Inca Temple Complex was above us.
Beautiful vista of the Mountain Apus.
Sebastian and Solara greet Carlos from Bolivia whom they hadn't seen since Eighth Gate -2 at Lake Titicaca.
Petra and Sebastian are Guardians of the Doors.
Aibandu as a Guardian at the Entrance to our Meeting Room.
The dedicated Anastra as a Door Guardian.
Aibandu of Chile welcomes Maru of Peru while Anastra of Australia greets Melinda of USA and Peru.
Aibandu, Carlos, Solara and Zina
The 11:11 Facilitators demonstrate the Mudras.
Elena, Emanáku, Laya, Sebastian, Petra, Ankasha, Kalasara and Zina demonstrate the Starry Processional.
We quickly wove ourselves into a brilliant One Being.
And had a lot of fun at the same time.