Oct 26 2011 in Preparations by emanaku
BaVel from Australia with Aliz of Peru and Ira from Russia and Peru.
Angelika of Chile, Kalasara of Hawaii with Carlos from Bolivia.
Daz, Chrissy, Carlos, Susan, Solara and Emanaku.
Zina from Russia and Peru.
Chrissy from UK and Peru
Arturo and Carlos
Elena from Russia
Practicing the 11:11 Mudras outside.
Solara and Marcela take a moto taxi to lunch.
Maru, Carlos and Kalasara in front of the Inca temple site.
Walking to a session at our Meeting Room
Enjoying a delicious lunch at Puka Rumi Restaurant.
Susan rests beside the Patacancha River in Ollantaytambo.