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Our MASTER CYLINDER Preparations begin ..

We had six intense days of preparation for the Opening of the 11:11 Doorway.[[a photo gallery]]

1 Gate Egypt – 6 Our Sessions Begin!

Since we had participants from over forty countries, there were many translators at work.

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1 Gate Egypt – 7 A Camel Caravan!

We took a wild ride to the Pyramids on camels and horses.

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1 Gate Egypt – 8 People of the Master Cylinder

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1 Gate Egypt – 9 Inside the Great Pyramid

The Great Pyramids were a constant presence and played an important part in the Master Cylinder. Two days before the Activation, we spent four hours inside the Great Pyramid in a private initiation.

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1 Gate Egypt – 10 Alpha & Omega

We traveled on the ancient Camel Caravan of the Omega Point, then brought in the Canoe of the New from the Alpha Point.

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