Newtown, Wales, UK
It was a sunny, yet cold crisp morning, the Bowling Green glistened with frost as did the surrounding trees and mountains.
There was great excitement in the Hall as our group arrived. Some of us had not seen each other since the 8th Gateway of 11:11 in June 2009. One dear friend I had not seen in 13yrs had come all the way from Spain others from the North of England and the Midlands. There ought to have been 26 of us including 2 wonderful Star Children. However Vivien had been led miles away by her Sat and was totally lost all morning and Rebbeca and little daughter had been very poorly during the night. So we started with 22 people that morning. Guardians were chosen and instructions given.
We linked with all taking part as the locations of the Master Cylinder and Anchor groups worldwide were read aloud as small cards with the flags of all countries worldwide were placed upon a long white clothed table. My daughter and I had spent the previous evening sticking the world map onto cardboard and placing all the relevant pins in the countries taking part. Secondly we opened the Lotus Heart and did the Go. The 8 Gateways of 11:11 followed with great encouragement on the last Gateway, many were in tears at this point. We changed the guardians and began the Starry Processional Dance, then took break for food for weary travellers. During this time the map fell off the wall and many of the pins fell out. We now knew we were ‘OFF THE MAP of the Known’.
We then resumed with ‘The Dance of the Elements’, with all 26 of us present the energy was very high the dance dramatic and joyously deep in parts. The children loved it. The guardian on duty in the Northern section said afterwards the energy flowing both in and out was amazing with a real feeling of the Earth Fire, Air and Water. The dance finally ended with everyone again in white, all traces of colour banished as we merged with the One Heart and arose as One Being in Action. We sang out our song of One calling to all the True Ones the world over to step forward in service to ‘All That Is’ and make their unique contributions. Next came the ‘Lotus Dance’ followed by the ‘Pulsating Star Dance’ set to the music of ‘The Greater Central Sun Dance’, which I must admit I love. Followed by soul or ‘Eye of An’ greetings with all present.
We ended the day with the ‘Spiral of Service’ as each being performed their personal mudra and spoke their name aloud EG: “I am Amma Ra in service to All that Is” and took their place in the spiral, the guardians now released from their posts joined us. As we sat in formation many including myself were moved to tears, one tends to remember every 11:11 Gateway and a sea of faces throughout the 18yrs that have passed since the first Gateway opened on Jan 11th 1992.
Triumphant we rose Michael who had narrated a beautiful Mayan Prayer spoken in Maya earlier grabbed his drum, some picked up instruments and brightly coloured scarves as we danced in procession all the way around the perimeter of the huge Bowling Green, splashing out love to the four corners of the Earth.
Thank you to our loyal guardians and to all the individual contributions made by those present, including Anton’s tuning forks, Kieran getting our food warm despite a broken oven, the Kitchen Angels, Kay’s Flag Cards. the Master Cylinder, all Anchor groups and of course Solara.
In Lak’ech Amma Ra Wales UK
Avoca, Ireland
I would like to share my joy and deep gratitude for having been able to be part of this wonderful activation with everyone.
Bali is 8 hours ahead of Ireland and during the night here I kept waking from time to time, feeling a connection with the master cylinder almost as if I was there myself.
Just before sunrise on a clear frosty morning I simply had to get up, put on my white clothes and go outside. The mountains were acting as guardians again and there was such stillness and expectant joy in nature. There was a strong sense of ‘oneness’ and full alignment with self as well as All.
At 11.11 I just ‘happened’ to look at the clock. We had a ceremony later in the day and there was a heart shaped cloud in the sky which turned into a dragon. Thank you all so much
Unfortunately the pictures did not come out ok, that seems to happen to me when the energies are very strong and require full concentration for grounding.
with pure heart love
Berne, Switzerland
Ankergruppenbericht vom 9. Tor, 25. Oktober 2010 in Münsingen, Bern, Schweiz
Noch bevor wir starteten fühlten wir die sanft Energien ansteigen! Zuerst verbanden wir uns mit dem Meisterzylinder in Bali und allen Ankergruppen, indem wir die Liste aller Ankergruppen laut vorlasen. Dazu hatten wir in unserer Mitte einen kleinen Globus und daneben ein Teelicht in Form einer Lotusblüte. Danach sandten wir sanfte Wellen von Purer Herzensliebe auf den kleinen Globus, stellvertretend für die Erde. Wir machten eine schöne Energiearbeit indem wir im Kreis aber jeder für sich uns als “Lotus” Blatt für Blatt sorgfältig öffneten. Danach war es Zeit, draussen die neuen Energien mit den Mudras zu verankern. Wir hatten dazu zwei Orte ausgesucht, beim Besichtigen am Vortag fühlte sich einer aber nicht mehr stimmig an. Wir beschlossen trotzdem hinzugehen, da wir alle irgendwie spürten, dass wir in dieser Gegend auch sein sollten. Auf dem Weg dorthin kamen wir dann spontan an einem Platz vorbei, der ebenfalls leicht zu erreichen war und mit seiner neuen und unbeschwerten Energie genau passte. Wir verankerten mit viel Liebe und Freude. Nachdem wir dem Ort und den dortigen Naturwesen herzlich für ihre wunderbare Hilfe gedankt hatten, gingen wir langsam zum zweiten Ankerplatz. Dieser Ort fühlte sich liebevoll, friedlich und irgendwie würdevoll an. Wir machten die Mudras im Kreis und rotierten dann, so dass jeder sie einmal in jede Richtung machte. In diesem Moment fühlten wir ganz besonders das Hervortreten der Wahren Einen (auch durch das neue Mudra), was uns sehr berührte. Danach waren wir uns einig, dass unsere Arbeit vollbracht war und liessen den Vormittag mit einem Mittagessen ausklingen. Wir gestalteten und entschieden alles gemeinsam, das war besonders schön, da die Schlüsselnote des Tores ja “Das Eine Wesen in Aktion” war :-). Obwohl es an diesem Vormittag ständig stark regnete und es sehr kalt war, hatten wir während unserer Zeit draussen keinen oder nur Nieselregen!
Anchor Group Report 9. Gate, October 25th, 2010 from Münsingen, Bern, Switzerland
Before we even startet, we felt the energies gently rising. First we connected with the Master Cylinder in Bali and all the Anchor Groups by reading out loud the List of the Anchor Groups worldwide. For this we put a sweet small globe and a lotus candle light in the middle of us. After we sent soft waves of Pure Heart Love to the little globe representing earth. In a circle, we did a beautiful work with the lotus energies by opening ourselves as a lotus leaf by leaf. Then it was time to go outside and anchor the new energies. We had chosen two places for this, but when visiting both sites the day before, one of them suddenly did not feel right anymore. We decided to go there anyway because we all had the strong feeling that we should be in that area. On our way there we passed a beautiful place we did not even recognize before! It was easy to get there and it was absolutely fitting with its fresh and new energy. We anchored with lots of love and joy :-). After we thanked the place and the beings there for their wonderful work and help we went conciously to the second place. The energies there were very peaceful and loving, it had also been a site for the last gate. We did the mudras in a circle and then rotated, so that everyone did the mudras in every direction. That was a moment when we all felt very strongly the emergence of the True Ones (also because of the new mudra). We were deeply touched by this! After that we knew that the work was done and we got back to have lunch together. We created and decided everything together, which resonated beautifully with the key note of this gate! Although it was cold and very rainy that morning there was only little or no rain during our work outside :-)! Just wonderful!
Vienna, Austria
Hallo ihr Lieben!
Hier meldet sich die Ankergruppe Wien – Gerhild und Moni!
Vielen, vielen Dank für eure Arbeit. Es fühlt sich soooo gut an!
Wir waren lediglich 6 Personen und es hat gepaßt. Bereits um Mitternacht haben wir uns getroffen, um zu üben und in das eine Wesen zu gelangen. Dies war spürbar gut und wichtig. Auch Fotos haben wir von euch auf einer großen Leinwand angeschaut. Als Einstieg wählten wir dann eine Klangmeditation. Anschließend haben wir die weltweiten Ankergruppen gerufen und auf einer schönen, großen Weltkarte fleißig Punkterl geklebt. Am Ende waren wir ganz gerührt, ob der Menge an Punkten. Auch die Verbindung hat so toll geklappt. Nach einer Meditation haben wir dann die Sternenprozession getanzt – anschließend war wieder ruhiges Achtsam sein. Wir haben die Energie zwischen 8.40 und 9.30 gespürt. Später haben wir dann den Lotustanz celebriert und wir spürten diesen Tanz so sehr als Dankeschön an Alles was ist. Ein Dankeschön von Gaya bekamen wir über Moni vermittelt. Es war so schön. Dann ließen wir das Treffen ruhig ausklingen mit einem gemeinsamen Mahl.
Soviel zum Bericht aus Wien.
Danke nochmals an Alle, besonders auch an Solara
In Liebe
Hello dearest Ones,
Here is the Vienna Anchor Group – Gerhild and Moni!
Many, many thanks for your work. It feels soooo good!
We were only 6 people and it was perfect. We met already at midnight to practice and to get into the One Being. It felt good and important. We have watched photos of you on a big screen. As introduction we did a meditation with singing bowls. Then we called the Anchor Groups worldwide and busily put stickers on a beautiful, big map. In the end we were so touched because of the amount of stickers. Also the connection worked out amazingly. After a meditation we danced the Starry Processional – afterwards it was being quietly observant. In between 8.40 and 9.30 MET we felt the energies. Later on we celebrated the Lotus Dance and we felt this dance so much as thanks to All that is. A thanking of Gaia we got communicated by Moni. It was so wonderful. Then we ended our meeting with a shared meal. This is the report from Vienna.
Thanks to everyone, especially to Solara
With Love