8 Gate 2 Titicaca — Anchor Group Reports Part 2
Newark, England, UK
We started the ceremony by Opening the Lotus Heart and each of us moved through a gateway into the gardens. We had chosen to hold the ceremony deep in the centre of the gardens beside a small lake. The air was still, and although heavy rain had been promised, the skies turned blue and the warmth of the sun flowed down to each of us.
Sureya had brought a conch shell and we called in the four directions, the four elemental energies; we also sounded to the Cosmos and to the Earth below.
Then we took it in turns to call in each of the Anchor Groups from around the world. We laid the image of the flag for England at the base and then James overlaid an image of the flag for each country mentioned, creating a mandala. This spiral of fused colour and design merged all the individual energies from each of the Anchor Groups and when each one had been called out, the Peruvian flag was placed at the centre and we connected each of the groups to the Master Cylinder at Lake Titicaca in Peru and Bolivia. From wide open hearts we held this space for a while and then, holding the energy still from the Lotus Heart, we gathered these flags together and placed them in a sheltered spot where lilies and roses had been placed and the flame from a soft pink lotus candle flickered in the air.
Then we each took a place around the lake to form a circle and we opened into the Mudras. As a group, we had not all practiced together at one time. But as One Being our bodies moved as One; effortlessly our hearts and arms traced out and connected into energy patterns that linked each of us into one holographic whole. A timeless moment before we started to dance.
We began with the Starry Processional; as the gong sounded out across the English countryside, we began to dance, precisely, slowly, powerfully, holding the moment with each moment. We were only a small group, but strong and focused — limbs controlled, touching the Earth as One, moving without thought and connecting in each step through a timeless, spaceless corridor with each other.
We then went into the Lotus Dance — soft flowing, mesmeric, gliding between worlds. So gentle, hardly breathing, just moving as a fluid whole; time seemed to have ceased. We danced and danced for however long, and as the dance became subtler and subtler, no one wished to stop…. but eventually we did.
We took a short break at the end of the Lotus Dance and then it felt like it would be a good idea to energise the group and area — and so we danced the Sacred Spiral Dance. A group of six danced in the area and you could feel the energy building again — dynamic, pulsing alive. The wind picked up as we danced; from a still afternoon the trees began to bend and move alongside of us and we could feel the change in the environment. After a time, we formed another six who also began the Sacred Spiral Dance. Now it was as if the rustling leaves had become the sound of the sea. I was a Guardian at this point in time and I had a sense of an upcoming shift. As I felt it, my arms reached up above my head and at the same time the six dancers became disorientated, missing steps. But they continued on, not only regaining the rhythm, but becoming totally synchronized as the dance danced itself, and then within a couple of minutes they came to a complete halt. They stopped as One and energy poured down through each of us — we were all surrounded by such loving grace, such stillness, so fine that words do not describe. All of us felt this. The wind dropped and no one moved as the energy just continued to build and flood the area. Two doves flew in to land on one of the trees and Annie, one of the Guardians, looked up to the sky and there above us was a cloud that was exactly, not just similar to but, EXACTLY the precise outline of South America. We could not have planned it — none of us had cameras, but we all looked up to see nature smiling down at us.
We held each other in embrace as the cloud above our heads stayed for several minutes before dissipating back into the ethers…. It was so unexpected and so beautiful. Confirmation given, if it were needed, that we were indeed with you all out at Lake Titicaca.
We continued our ceremony for another hour, and then finished by thanking the Elements, Cosmos and Earth for all that had occured before finally doing the 11:11 Mudras to mark our anchoring and completion of the 2nd Part of the 8th Gate Activation.
It is a joy to share with you.
P.S. Thought you would also be interested in seeing the crop circle that appeared in May in Wiltshire, at the time of the Pluto square Venus transit (transformation of love), which has 11:11 clearly as part of its patterning.
Eagles Nest, Malaysia
The following Anchor Group Report is from Mei Watson who kindly organized the Ceremony for 8th Gate Activation (Part 2) at a delightful spot called the Eagle’s Nest:
Our starting time was 10:30 pm, so the crowd started to flow in around 7 pm. I had already felt the heightened energies around that time. I felt it at the heart level — very deep love vibrations.
We decorated the moon circle with flowers and candles, creating an outer circle with a unbroken line of flowers dotted with tea lites. The inner circle of the roundabout consisted of a pebble / concrete ring; this had pretty little jasmine flowers and chrysanthemums scattered all around, infusing the air with a very pleasant and sacred scent throughout the ceremony. When daylight finally disappeared, the circle was lit in the most beautiful way with candles in 3 layers of concentric circles.
Just after dinner, the group was briefed on the purpose of this gathering and the 11:11 Mudras were practiced with great enthusiasm.
18 of us gathered inside the flower circle by 10 pm and started the preparations for the ceremony. A beautiful mantra song Om Marabhasa Nadi was played and repeated for 3-4 rounds. This was played at Chiang Rai a couple of years ago to start off the ceremony and build up the energy. I felt it was appropriate again this time.
The Anchor Group started out standing, but eventually sat down to meditate and soak in the energies. Joseph who sat at the North point of the circle, was holding a lot of energy for us and he was shaking visibly for it. It was by coincidence that he sat there, but obviously he was the perfect person for that spot.
Antares and Jeyapalan were our Guardians throughout the ceremony. The only thing that happened outside of the circle were that a couple of cheeky resident stray dogs found my red cushion and decided to have a ripping party with it!
The energy in the circle was very subtle, yet subduing. In the beginning of the meditation, I was driven to walk in a slow ceremonial way around the circle to place my hand on the top of everyone’s head and during the second round, on their front and back heart chakras. Eventually, the group started lying down on their mats to relax. Some left for a cake break. Some eventually left by midnight.
At around 12 am, Antares felt that the energies needed lifting and so we played a great rhythmic piece from the Turiya Nadi (Cave of the Siddhars) CD and three of us started dancing around the circle several times (Antares playing his flute too). That did the job!
Those who stayed until the end of the ceremony (about10 of us) gathered in a circle at 1:45 am to give thanks and gratitude for the ceremony and to thank Kay who gave us permission to perform this sacred celebration on her property, and to Olivia and Joseph who organised the venue and cleaned the place before and after the ceremony.
A full moon shone over us throughout the ceremon, and just before the Anchor Group dispersed, we noticed the clouds around the moon had taken on a beautiful coral-pink hue which could only be seen from the Eagle’s Nest.
Antares would like to add:
Mei Watson (whose star lineage must include multiple incarnations as a priestess) did a superb job of organizing the sacred 8th Gate 2 Ceremony and I wish to record my profound appreciation for her spontaneous offer of help. As a result many more have been exposed to Solara’s magnificent work with the 11:11 Gate Activations and the wonderful Mudras that have been developed to assist us in the work.
The earlier part of the ceremony was solemn and introspective, but as it progressed and people began dancing and reveling in the moment, the atmosphere lightened considerably. Some participants reported beautiful feelings the next day.
I have suggested to Mei that she formally take over the role of 11:11 Anchor in Malaysia as it’s clear that she thrives in such a role. After 15 years, it would be great to have some new blood! I shall, of course, continue to form an energetic link with Solara and others via our ancient bonds of PURE HEART LOVE.
Buenos Aires, Argentina
El peregrino empieza a transitar por el sendero que lo llevara a la 9 puerta. En sus alforjas atesora su carga de esperanzas y sueños. Apura su paso para llegar a su ansiada meta. La busqueda trascendental es su mayor anhelo. Su encuentro con el Uno es su mas preciado deseo. Por eso, debe llegar. Debe avanzar por el Camino,sin importar la fatiga ni el cansancio. A lo lejos, le aguarda su Templo. A lo lejos, el dorado recinto despide aureos resplandores que atraen la atención del caminante.
A lo lejos…. El peregrino percibe el llamado, presiente los destellos… Hacia alla se encamina. Nada debe deternerlo.
Gracias a todos los que en el dia de hoy han compartido conmigo el 8 portal en peregrinaje hacia la Novena Puerta del 11:11.
….Yerom en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
The pilgrim begins to travel the path that leads him to the 9th Gate. In his saddlebag, he is carrying his hopes and dreams. He hurries to achieve his desired goal. His transcendental search is his greatest wish. To meet the One is what he wants. So that he must arrive. He must go ahead by the Way, forgetting weariness and fatigue. Far away, his Temple is waiting for him. The golden building gives off brightness that calls his attention.
Far away…. The pilgrim perceives the call, he has a strong feeling…. And he goes behind it. Nothing can stop him.
Thanks to all of you who shared the 8th Gate’s activities with me in the pilgrimage to the 9th Gate.
…. Yerom in Buenos Aires City, Argentina
Seattle, Washington, USA
We had a powerful ceremony in Seattle; 8 angels appeared for the 8th Gate Activation Ceremony. The day was magical from the start; everyone stepped into the energy and maintained a constant flow of True Love to the Core from 11:11 am to 4:11 pm Pacific Time. Although we had intended to finish earlier, a couple of people remained in the Guardian position each time we took a break and soon others flowed back into the circle and the ceremony would continue. We all laughed when we realized what was happening. We followed Solara’s guidelines and yet the activities appeared to happen spontaneously.
There were many surprises; one was when we were offered a gift from Archangel Michael who brought a large drop of essence and placed it into each set of outstretched hands. The drop of essence was accompanied by a message that the drops were personalized to the specific desire / needs of the individual receiving it.
The love energy continues to flow and ripple out in all directions.
Love to all…. Selena and our seven.
Manila, Philippines
We were successful in joining you for the 8th Gate Activation on June 5th. There were exactly 8 of us in our Anchor Group and we managed to do three of the 11:11 Sacred Dances. Thank you for the continued inspiration and new knowledge that you continue to impart. My thoughts about current cosmic events are becoming clearer as more and more information comes into our system. There is a great need to raise the consciousness in my country and we would appreciate your continued prayers for us.
Light, life and love…. Cora.