Apr 3 2012 in Preparations on Rapa Nui by chefguy
The island of Rapa Nui with Rano Kau Crater.
Arriving at the Hanga Roa Eco Resort.
Our hotel looks serene, but we found out that they were involved in a long standing dispute with a local clan.
There were nightly protests outside the restaurant.
We remained neutral and focused on what we had come here to do.
Our hotel did have innovative architecture.
Each room had a large black bathtub.
The very popular dessert buffet.
We made a presentation of our gratitude to the dining room staff.
View of Hanga Roa from our hotel.
Rainbow over the ocean.
Hanga Roa at night from our hotel.
Andrey, Maria, Vera, Anastasia, Viviane, Felipe and Maksim.
Jorge watches the video of him playing the flute while asking Anakena for permission to hold our ceremony there.