Apr 14 2012 in Ceremony Part 1 at Anakena by chefguy
Paloma, Petra, Viviane, Kalasara and Maru arrived early to clean up the horse manure from our ceremonial site.
Petra manages to look elegant while doing it.
Felipe and Kalasara demonstrate Mastering Service: Doing what is needed, when it is needed.
Solara and Emanaku survey our ceremony site at Anakena.
Maru talks with Maria, the guardian of Anakena who had just informed us that we couldn't have the ceremony there, but we were allowed to clean up the manure, since that is normally her job. Fortunately, we had already obtained written permission in advance. The only problem was, our small advance party didn't have it with us. It was coming with our group. Emanaku leapt into the car and drove back to Hanga Roa to get it so we could set up the sound system before everyone arrived.
Our group arrives at Anakena for the first part of our three part 'A Mu'a Ceremony.
The beautiful Marcela
The Moai await us.
We make our way in a procession to the ceremony site.
Omashar's sound system is set up under a tree.
Maru and Elena translated for Solara.
Now, we are ready to enter the White Dragon Gate.