Apr 9 2012 in Preparations on Rapa Nui by chefguy
Solara discovers that Rapa Nui is ready for 'A Mu'a!
Hanga Roa is the only town on the island of Rapa Nui.
Lunch at one of our favorite restaurants.
The small harbor of Hanga Roa.
The Artesania Market has a large selection of hand carved moai.
Felipe, Sebastian, Viviane, Maria and Anastra open into PURE HEART LOVE before getting on their motorbikes.
At Rapa Nui's only gas station.
Even Anastra rode a motorbike.
Ya and Kalasara
Alanah and Laya rode bicycles to their nightly swim in the ocean.
Some of our group went to the wild Rapa Nui Dance Shows.
Rosana from Brazil with a Rapa Nui dancer.
Anastra joined the show with great enthusiasm and some of her Bollywood dance moves.