8 Gate 2 Titicaca – Anchor Group Reports Part 3

Sitters, Germany

As the organizer of this Anchor Group, I have to give a big thanks to all who came and spent the day here with us. It was a great experience for us and one of the really extraordinary days in our life that we will keep alive in our memories as a very special heartful gift!

The photos you see here are pictures of people totally unknown to one other until the moment we met for the 8th Gate 2 Activation Ceremony. We only had e-mail contact prior to this and did not even know what each other looked like.

The first thing that was clear for us was that every being who arrived would be welcome. There were 11 of us: Vladimir, Anette and her dog Beano, Susanne and her daughter Selina, Amara and her son Joshua, Myria and Petra, Ralf and myself.

To describe the whole day would be impossible! So, here are a few really wonderful events and happenings:

The whole day was shining in a brilliance of beauty from the start! First, the new life arrived with four little chickens out of the eggs! Then, the beautiful people arrived and all was clear from the beginning. The children did a wonderful job with the dog and they made sure that we had peace and quiet for the Sacred Dances – and for the whole day! Therefore, a very big thank you to these three.

During the Dance of the Elements, the children participated in a perfect way and during the final Lotus Dance, they heightened the experience by vibrating in pure happiness, joy and heartful laughing to the core, as One Being in a perfect circle.

Mother Nature was very generous with her gifts that day too; it was one of her perfect days when all is in balance.

In case we had no access to electricity and were only able to use batteries, we decided to take the monochord with us. Amara also brought her wonderful Tibetan singing bowl, and the vibrations and sound of these instruments were enough to keep us dancing and singing.

A very wonderful experience for us was the Sacred Spiral Dance because we discovered that following each other as a spiral in and out of the dance was similar to how we follow others in life; that we walk in one another’s footsteps, as our footsteps are there for others to also step in.

Vladimir made a wonderful fire from the old wood we gathered when cleaning up the dance and ceremonial space; we burned this in the evening when the moon was rising. It warmed us until the end in the night – 11:00 pm in our location on the globe.

While dancing the final Lotus Dance, Amara was singing the last song and with the last note of the song, the church bell in the village rang at 11:00 pm. The 8 Gate 2 Master Cylinder Ceremony in Peru and Bolivia was completed at the same time. But we were so high on love together that we did not notice this pure synchronicity in the first few seconds.

Many thanks to Vladimir who brought the wonderful wild flowers, and for Myria’s patience in glueing the glitter stars on the globe whilst Anette read the names of all the other 8th Gate 2 Anchor Groups worldwide.

We all loved to do this because we knew that the other Anchor Groups were also doing this and saying aloud, with gratitude, the name and location of our little Anchor Group down here, bringing the blessings down onto earth everywhere for each other and for everything.

Many thanks also goes to Annu for the coordination of the Anchor Groups around the world, making it possible for the energy and participation to flow.

Great love, thanks and blessings to you all for gifting us with a perfect day, great experience and an Open Door to our endless realms of peace, love in harmony and abundance. And wonderful success for all future activities with the insight as a True One to follow the true principles of One Love to the Core.

Blessings to you all everywhere…. Edith


Las Flores, BA, Argentina

Maravillosa experiencia , en el Grupo Arcoiris en Las Flores!!! Nos conectamos con Cilindro Maestro en Lago Titicaca y todos los lotos abiertos en todo el planeta MAGICA EXPERIENCIA…. AMOR!

En el Grupo de Anclaje, para la apertura y conexion eramos solo 3 personas…. MULTITUD!!!!

Nuestro centro fue organizado con los colores del arco iris y los 6 elementos, velitas, instrumentos, mucha danza, y mucha risa y alegria, lo cerramos saludando al sol que se retiraba al atardecer. Y aparecieron danzando, muchisimos pajaros – MAGICO, MAGICO, MAGICO!


Wonderful experience in the Rainbow Group in Las Flores!!! We connected with Master Cylinder at Lake Titicaca and all open lotuses on the entire planet magic experience…. LOVE!

In the Anchor Group, with openness and connection, we were only 3 people…. CROWD!!!!

Our center was decorated with the colors of the rainbow and the 6 elements; candles, instruments, lots of dancing, and with lots of laughter and joy, we closed our ceremony with the retreating sun at dusk. And very many birds appeared dancing – MAGIC, MAGIC, MAGIC!



Santos, SP, Brazil

Our Anchor Group was composed of 17 people, all engaged with the Doorway of the 11:11. Over the past two months, we got ready for the day of the Activation, rehearsing the Sacred Dances, the GO!, preparing the decorations…. Everything was done affectionately, with love and responsibility.

On the day of the Activation, we began at 10:00 am (Brazil’s time) with the The Starry Processional Dance and we could feel both the energy and love….

We were always alternating the Guardians, for on this day the sun was shining intensely on our faces. We were awarded the prize of a lovely small farm on which to hold our ceremony and carry out this great event.

There was a moment in which I felt a certain dispersal of the energy and I put myself in the centre of the circle and asked for direction…. Then it came to me, indicating the way to go. I withdrew half of the Guardians and we went into the circle to do the Lotus Dance.

It was approximately 3:00 pm (Brazil’s time) and the energy started flowing with great strength and emotion. Some people in the circle were not managing to control the strong energetic load and they were being physically affected. Our bodies were shuddering, our lips were trembling…. but we could do nothing for we were still dancing, and so we kept going to the end. There, in that moment, we could feel and understand that the energy was coming into the planet…. It was marvellous!

As we finished our last dance, I asked our group to lie down in a circle with our heads pointing towards the middle, to share this energy with Mother Earth…. We were a mass of human bodies, full of an inner strength that words cannot describe.

To finish, we hugged and, one by one, we saw ourselves as loving beings united more than ever.

Our gratitude and love to Solara.

Namastê…. Rubia Galante


Arbor Vitae, Wisconsin, USA

Hello from Curt and Dan in beautiful Northern Wisconsin!!

The 8th Gate 2 Activation of PURE HEART LOVE came in at 12:22 pm in an undeniable wave of incredible energy!! Around 8:00 am, we were in a remote wilderness area by an unnamed lake – what an incredible view! We were greeted by six eagles and two hawks flying overhead. As the energy built up, there were periods of sunshine and calmness and then suddenly a soothing breeze followed by some light rain – and then the warm sunshine once again.

We decided to walk a bit along an old trail by the lake. Then, all at once there appeared an arch of birch trees that looked and felt like the perfect place to be the portal for the new energy to flow through. There were four ancient and majestic pine trees; two were at the beginning of the archway and two were at the end of the archway. We were inspired to dance the ‘Dance of the Quaking Birch Trees’! as they swayed to the soft, and then intense, breeze of the early afternoon.

Then, the energy of PURE HEART LOVE tingled and vibrated within us – it was incredible!! We grounded it for awhile until the intensity turned to joy and smiles!!! We laid down and looked up through the trees and saw an intense white light coming from the sun that was like no sunlight we have ever seen. It was sparkling with an unusual vibrance. There was even a reddish aura noticed around the canopy of the trees and up into the clouds. As the energy subsided slightly, we continued to walk through to the end of the Birch tree archway.

Then, we knew that we had to also go to two other places to complete the Activation; we just knew that we had to go to all of these places, not knowing what to expect. We got to the second place knowing that it had something to do with a tree, and we knew what it was when we saw it. There were two different types of pine trees conjoined at the root as one tree. An extremely unusual occurrence! This reminded us of the reference Solara made to the weaving of Oneness grounded into the earth.

The third energy spot that we were led to was so extremely intense that we felt like we were in some kind of energy daze. We had trouble talking and everything felt like we were in some form of energy vortex which we didn’t understand. We decided that we didn’t understand this part, so we just moved on and returned to the unnamed lake which we called Hawk Lake as the hawks were waiting to greet us when we returned. We sat for a short while and listened as coyotes sang to us!

Waves of PURE HEART LOVE!! Curt and Dan


Aguascalientes, Mexico

We had a nice ceremony with 17 people at my country house. We danced and had an amazing experince, and we felt that we were part of the Master Cylinder in Peru and Bolivia. We could smell the air full of misty drops; the energy was so strong and we danced as if we were in ecstasy.

Singing birds blessed us with their love of nature and the sky was so blue with clouds forming Guardian Angels. Almost at 3:00 pm, we felt waves and waves of energy covering us with colors, and we kept dancing and dancing until we felt all the waves of love fill the whole planet.

We felt very strongly that we are ONE; we are love; love is within.

Blessings to Solara and all who help us to feel and live in this new reality…. Lucy Martinez

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