8 Gate 2 Titicaca – Anchor Group Reports Part 11
Munich, Germany
PUREST HEART LOVE – The 8th Gate Activation on June 5th and the time before….
Anticipation, changes and waves of love filled the air, accompanying us with clarity and lightness. The Master Cylinder is just next to us; we are deeply connected. What was dissolved and transformed there, the wind was carrying in, each day new “surprises” and a peace of freedom. Christin swept the ways to anchor PURE HEART LOVE in Munich, high above in the 10th floor. She had to pass some tests which she solved with her pure heart and so a clear and subtle atmosphere was prepared for the activation.
On June 5th going by car to Munich, it started with a cloudy sky — on the way it opened up. There was enough time to admire the gifts of Mother Earth and to choose some gifts as decoration for the ceremony. The flowers turned Christin’s apartment into an ocean with flowers of love, everything went well together.
At 15.00 local time, starched with fruits from Mother Earth, we started to mark the Anchor Groups on the world map – the global network of love. With each marker we got closer to our ONE BEING – we were deeply touched by the presence of personally known friends in the Anchor Groups and more deeper we felt our ONE BEING .”We are all one!” – The following waves of “XUA!” washed away everything. Christin showed the mudra for the 8th Gate, Part II – PUREST HEART LOVE – we did it together – what a valuable treasure in the palms of our hands, how precious this heart love!
The Starry Procession followed; we were connected with the ones who danced, our arms spread like guardians. Every Starry Procession we ever had danced came to our mind. It was lightness, the energy so subtle, waves of happiness surrounded us.
After this we listened to Solara’s tape: “Voyage on the Celestial Barge!” It was so intimate, everything was in us and we were in everything. Lying between the lotus buds and the globe we were enjoying the subtle frequencies, we felt touched and carried, so much already was done.
However I had such a desire to hear the “Sacred Spiral Dance”. With the music we began to step, with our movements very soon we were ONE, with thoughts of “The Lover from Beyond the Stars”, who always reunite. In Christin I saw all our beloved friends from the Master Cylinder being here with us. Our movement stopped; we hummed this song from the stars and immersed deeper. We stood between our friends; we have reached the stars; through us the blessings flew on Earth, may this moment last for ever. For the complete length of this song we changed stepping and humming. Christin experienced during this last dance in a very subtle way inside her the sacred union of female and male, between Mother Earth and Father Sun and all cells that are. A gentle everlasting dance full of love united till eternity. The great marriage. Bliss!
Happiness and great joy were lying in the air and later the feeling “We have done everything, it is done! PURE HEART LOVE is anchored!” My heart was laughing, tears rolling down my cheeks, our ONE BEING has arrived. With lightness peace filled and PUREST HEART LOVE we lay on the floor again, listening to “Ayoka” from the tape “Australian Reunion”, Solara and Omashar speaking in star language, their cheerfulness infected us. From out of time, it felt like eternity and also like a moment, our roots attached and anchored. High above Munich we felt the heart of Mother Earth beating.
“Oh Christin, it was so wonderful with you, your dedication, stirring your light heartedness, being totally present in our ONE BEING, precious moments, every instant a precious gift – Thank you for this time!” – From now on it is always in our hearts … may you be surrounded by waves of PUREST HEART LOVE and may you sparkle with the stardust … ONE with all … !!! … Christin and Daniela
Reinste Herzensliebe – Die Zeit bis zur Aktivierung und die Toröffnung am 05.06.2009
Vorfreude, Veränderungen und Wellen von Liebe, die in der Luft liegen, begleiten uns zu Klarheit und Leichtigkeit. Wir spüren den Meisterzylinder und sind so verbunden mit euch. Was von euch aufgelöst und transformiert wurde, bringt der Wind zu uns, jeden Tag neue „Überraschungen“ und ein Stückchen mehr Freiheit. Christin klärte die Wege für die Verankerung reinster Herzensliebe in München, hoch oben im 10. Stockwerk, sie hatte einige Prüfungen zu bestehen, welche sie mit reinstem Herzen löste und so war eine feine und klare Atmosphäre für die Verankerung vorbereitet.
Die Fahrt nach München am 05.06. führte vom bewölktem Himmel wieder ins Sonnenlicht, ich hatte alle Zeit die Geschenke von Mutter Erde zu bewundern und den Schmuck für die Zeremonie auszuwählen. Die Blumen verwandelten Christin’s Wohnung in ein Meer aus Blüten der Liebe, alles passte so wundervoll zusammen.
Gestärkt mit den Früchten von Mutter Erde, begannen wir um 15.00 Uhr damit die Ankergruppen auf der Weltkarte zu markieren – das globale Liebesnetzwerk. Jeder Markierungspunkt brachte uns näher zu unserem EINEN SEIN – die Präsenz von persönlich bekannten Freunden in den Ankergruppen berührte uns sehr und wir spürten immer mehr und tiefer unser EINES WESEN. „Wir sind alle eins!“ – Wellen von „XUA“ folgten und wuschen nochmal alles ab. Christin zeigte mir das Mudra für das 8. Tor Teil II – Reinste Herzensliebe – wir machten dieses zusammen – welch kostbarer Schatz in unseren Händen, wie wertvoll diese Herzensliebe!
Die Sternenprozession folgte, wir waren verbunden mit denen die tanzten, unsere Arme waren weit ausgebreitet wie Wächter, doch es fühlte sich nicht so an. Alle Sternenprozessionen die wir jemals getanzt hatten, kamen uns in den Sinn. Es war so eine Leichtigkeit, die Energie so fein, Wellen von Glück umrundeten uns.
Dananch hörten wir Solara’s Kassette: „Voyage on the celestial barge!“ – „Oh Christin lass uns einsteigen und sehen wo wir landen werden!“ – Es war so innig, alles war in uns und wir waren in allem. Wir lagen zwischen den Lotusblüten und der Erdenkugel und genossen diese feinen Schwingungen, fühlten uns berührt und getragen, es war schon so viel getan.
Und doch ich hatte solche Sehnsucht den „Sacred spiral dance“ zu hören, wir begannen dazu im Raum zu schreiten und waren sehr bald über unsere Bewegungen vereint, mit den Gedanken an die „lover beyond the stars“, die sich immer wiederfinden, niemals verlieren. In Christin sah ich unsere lieben Freunde vom Meisterzylinder, hier mit uns. Unsere Bewegung stoppte, wir summten dieses Sternenlied mit und tauchten tiefer ein. Wir standen zwischen unseren Freunden, wir waren bei den Sternen, der Segen floss durch uns auf die Erde, möge dieser Moment immer andauern. Über die gesamte Zeit des Liedes „Sacred spiral dance“ wechselten wir zwischen schreiten und summen. Christin hat bei diesem letzten Tanz auf eine sehr feine Art und Weise die Vermählung von Weiblichem und Männlichem erlebt, in sich, zwischen Mutter Erde und Vater Sonne und in allen Zellen, die es gibt. Ein zarter immerwährender Tanz voll Liebe und auf ewig vereint. Die Große Hochzeit. Glückseeligkeit (bliss).
Glück und Freude lagen in der Luft und später dann das Gefühl „Wir haben alles getan, es ist vollbracht! Die pure Herzensliebe ist verankert!“ Mein Herz lachte, Freudentränen rollten die Wangen hinunter. Unser EINES SEIN war angekommen. Mit Leichtigkeit, erfüllt mit Frieden und reinster Herzensliebe lagen wir nun wieder am Boden. Wir hörten das Ayoka von der Kassette „Australian Reunion“, Solara und Omashar redeten in Sternensprache, ihre Heiterkeit steckte uns noch mehr an. Von außerhalb der Zeit, die uns wie eine Ewigkeit vorkam und auch nur wie ein Moment, waren unsere Wurzeln fest verankert. Hoch oben über München spürten wir unter uns das Herz von Mutter Erde schlagen.
„Oh Christin es war so schön mit dir, deine Hingabe, mitreissend deine Unbeschwertheit, deine absolute Präsenz in unserem EINEN SEIN, kostbarste Momente, jeder Augenblick ein wertvolles Geschenk – Danke für diese Zeit mit dir!“ – Sie ist nun für immer in unseren Herzen … mögest du umspült sein von Wellen reinster Herzensliebe und mit dem Sternenstaub funkeln … ONE with all … !!! … Christin and Daniela
Bogotá, Colombia
We are happy of having carried out this mission. The energies flowed in such a way that we were placed in the middle of Bogota’s heart, Simon Bolivar Park, near a small temple were many massive meetings of people go to pray. Our group was gathered up to the last moment with a synchronicity that was shown through our dreams. We felt a wonderful energy and we were able to anchor it. We want now to continue to disseminate this experience and to get ready for the next one.
Estamos felices de haber llevado a cabo ésta misión, las energías fluyeron de tal manera que nos ubicaron en pleno corazón de Bogotá parque Simón Bolivar, cerca al templete donde se realizan reuniones masivas de personas que se disponen a orar, el grupo final fue reunido en el último momento, con una sincronía que se venía dando a través de sueños. Sentimos maravillosa mente la energía y la logramos anclar, ahora queremos continuar diseminando ésta experiencia y empezar a prepararnos para la próxima apertura. Imágen 1 de pie izquierda a derecha Gustavo Adolfo Ramirez y César Augusto Palma, imágen 2 de izq a derecha Mary Bohorquez, Luz Stella Palma,Gabriel Leonardo Ramirez, Isabel Cristina Ortiz, Sandra Milena Mendoza.
Uetze, near Hannover
First, I anchored the energies on a headland from a nearby located sea, than, second time, at my home. It was a strong experience, to anchor alone and very intensive – with Tanja as my connection to the Master Cylinder. Thanks to all of you, who being with me as ONE ! … Claudia
Moscow, Russia
My preparation for the activation of the 8th Gate started over six months ago in December; I felt this as something extremely important in my life like giving birth to a child.
During those six months we danced Sacred Dances; the group was changing as we all kept uniting into One Being, generating something NEW, sometimes funny, sometimes tender. LOVE was always present at our trainings manifesting itself in care and consideration for others, acceptance of others and self-acceptance, and in humor. But at out final preparation class when we felt a great sense of responsibility and the greatness of what was coming to us, the humor melted away. We pulled ourselves together like astronauts telling ourselves – “We are ready, let’s do it!”
The place where our Anchor group of 39 people activated the 8th (2nd part) Gate was in the very heart of Moscow, about one kilometer away from the Kremlin. This space received us with so much Love – it was full of flowers, lit candles, singing sacred balls; some of the group members took care of the decoration of the space and this filled our hearts with gratitude and commitment.
We began our ceremony at 4 p.m. (Moscow time). Beautiful energies were coming like waves, the main stream came twice – between 7 and 8 p.m. and from 9 p.m. til 10 p.m. – the waves were ascending and building up Love. We all were committed and fully prepared to accept and anchor the energies. Our Guardians looked like columns of Light. Everyone served in his / her own way be it a Sacred Dance or tea preparation for others.
The quality of the energy that came with the Activation was PURE HEART LOVE, no doubt. I felt a great surge of energy in all my being, this wave washed away everything which did not resonate with this True Love. My heart was full of grace, tenderness and care for everybody and everything, like to a newly born child. My face was wet with tears of Gratitude, Joy and Happiness while my body harmoniously moved in the Starry Procession Dance anchoring this Loving energy with each step and spreading it on the Earth in the Lotus Dance, spinning it in the Elements Dance when it was merged with Four Elements. When the Activation was closing, we heard the noise of a strong rain – Mother Earth gave this sign in gratitude for our Love to her!!
I am so grateful to Our One Being on the New Earth to all visible and invisible help in the Activation. And I greatly appreciate the love and support of my husband in the process – we were together and One. …. Lyudmila, Tatyana