1 Gate Egypt – 1 Inside the Great Pyramid
(by Solara)
I was very fortunate to be given private times with two co-workers inside each of the Great Pyramids.
Here I made important preparations for the upcoming Activation.
On my final morning in Egypt, I was alone inside the King’s Chamber for one hour.
I spent the entire time singing the most exquisite song I have ever heard.
The song sung through me for one hour, spiraling right into the Heart of Heaven.
And it was all about TRUE LOVE.
My first view upon waking up in the morning and looking out my window at the Oberoi Mena House in Giza.
The view simply takes your breath away....
- I'm finally here. The Great Pyramids !
- Now it was time for my first trip inside....
- Going up the Grand Gallery to the King's Chamber.
- With my late friend Mika Alla in the King's Chamber.