9 Bali – 20 Aligning with our Anchor Groups all over the World
Solara read the long list of Anchor Groups all over the world
who were joining with us as One Being to activate Ninth Gate.
426 Anchor Groups in 59 countries
[xmlgm {https://journey.emanaku.com/files/2011/12/1111TENTHGATE-AnchorGroupsWorldwide-com.kml} maxlat=50;minlat=-50;maxlon=140;minlon=-140;maptype=G_SATELLITE_TYPE]
For a detailed list of Anchor Groups, click here.
- Akyuna, Indigo and Aida welcome the presence of the Ninth Gate Anchor Groups as Antares stands as a Guardian.
- The Ninth Gate Master Cylinder in their large Sacred Circle.
- It was a magnificent day.