Oct 12 2010 in 9 Gate The Activation by emanaku
As we finished doing the 11:11 Mudras in the midst of the Aslan Dance,
we took our two steps forward as True Ones.
Then an amazing thing happened....
We took two more steps forward as True Ones....
Then two more.
The energy took us all the way into the center of the circle.
We experienced an Insertion Point of True One energy
right in the middle of the Aslan Dance!
We kept doing the Ninth Gate Mudra and stepping forward
until we were all clustered in the center.
We chose again and again to step in as True Ones.
We became embodiments of PURE HEART LOVE
and stepped forward as True Ones.
The energy grew stronger and stronger, as did our commitment to fully emerge as True Ones.
It was very powerful and very real.
The Guardians strongly held the energy
as we moved off the map of the Known.
Our sense of joy and excitement increased, as we made our commitment to fully emerge as True Ones.
Again and again, we repeated the Ninth Gate Mudra.
We began walking as True Ones, and it felt so liberating!
While we were doing this, we totally forgot that we were in the middle of the Aslan Dance.
The energy of the Emergence of the True Ones carried us forward.
Until finally, we stepped backwards and formed a large circle again.
This is when we remembered that we hadn't completed the Aslan Dance.
Then we faced outwards, did all the 11:11 Mudras again,
and completed the Aslan Dance.
This was one of the key moments of the Ninth Gate Activation.
The Emergence of the True Ones.
And this is what made it possible for us to experience
what was to come....