Aug 10 2011 in 10 Gate Preparations by emanaku
Here's our huge Conference Room decorated with Mexican paper flags and embroidered banners from Chiapas.
Omashar is ready with his inspiring music, some of which was created at 11:11 Master Cylinders.
Many of us bought these lovely embroidered banners in San Cristóbal to decorate our Conference Room.
Closeup of our beautiful banners (caminos a la mesa).
Our 11:11 Workshop Facilitators demonstrate the 11:11 Mudras.
Solara, Emanáku and Sebastian organized Tenth Gate.
Solara led the sessions.
Some of our enthusiastic Tenth Gate Master Cylinder One Being:
Dani, Anelja, Maria, Felipe, Viviane, Gilberto & Marco.
We practiced walking in one set of Footprints.
All of our sessions were translated into Spanish and Russian. Here are Solara, Ankasha and Elena.
Ankasha of Mexico shared the Spanish translations with Maru from Peru.
Elena translated everything into Russian.
Together, Solara and the translators formed One Being. Here are Elena, Solara and Maru.
Elena, Solara and Ankasha
Nova demonstrates the "Demon of Duality" with Solara.
Indigo and Elena in PURE HEART LOVE.
Omashar, Solara and Emanáku
Our Beloved Omashar sang unforgettable songs
that evoked our journey and touched us deeply.
His newest song, "The Wonderful and the New"
was especially poignant and loved by all.
There is always much dancing at 11:11 Master Cylinders.
Catching melons!