4 Gate Tahiti – Anchor Group Reports Part Two
„There were 26 of us present. The whole evening went smoothly; the dances were wonderful. We finished up at 11:30 pm Sydney time. Everyone who participated was wonderful and loved the whole event. The energies during the One Heart Waltz were amazing and we didn’t want this part of the dance to end.
We have all noticed a change in our own energy flow. I have been buzzing all over ever since. I lead the meditation, a first for me. I taped it so I could join in and it went really well. Thank you for allowing us to participate! (This comes wholeheartedly from all of us who participated.)“ …. Dawn
„We think we have done it! Otherwise, I wouldn’t have seen you bowing and asking to thank the group. I was so amazed to see you, Solara!
We did not manage to prepare properly for the event. Anyhow, Tomas had stuck colorful pins in so many places on the world map which really helped us remain connected with the other Anchor Groups.
We started our activities on the 10th. I felt the Master Cylinder was created early in the morning. I wonder if I’m right? When we resumed the ceremony on the 11th, some people felt very new energies. Believe it or not, three of us including myself, got a message that the 7th Gate will be opened in Lithuania. We had a very strong feeling about that! The time gives us two more opportunities to get better prepared.“ …. Lilija
„We worked on the Fourth Gate Activation for 10 hours. We started the ceremony with 53 persons at 6:45 am and passed the Solar Eclipse at 7:15 am. We worked strongly to anchor the energy. We could see that we had to reconfigure the last portion of the labyrinth.“ …. Josefina
„We combined the Auburn and Seattle groups to activate the 4th Gate energies. There were 44 people and one large, beautiful dog who attended the ceremonies. Over 30 of the people were new to the 11:11 this year. Ten or more were younger than 21. It gave us a sense that the energy was going into new areas and the call to awaken is being heard. Often, we wondered what happened to the others? I hope that everything went well in Tahiti. We had tiki torches for our ceremony too.“ …. Selena
„I had to be with some family on the 11th; we were camping at a beach on the sound end of Taseko Lake in British Columbia’s Cariboo -Chilcotin region. This location is extremely remote and practically inaccessible to most people.
I had the opportunity to give something of myself to the global grid. On the evening of the 11th, I was able to stand by this large and magnificent lake, (4500′ altitude), and radiate an energy vortex into the sky and was replied with unusual flashing lights observed by others in my party. I only hope my little bit helped facilitate the shift required.“ …. Clinton
„Solara, I would like to thank you for leading us from the Master Cylinder Group in Tahiti. It was an honor to be in the One Heart. I would like to thank you for making spirituality creative and fun through the dances and the fact that you allow each Anchor Group to integrate their own creativity and ideas. I wish you had video tapes of how to do the dances. I would like to commend our Anchor Group leaders Irael Billarr and Amara Ward. Our group was fortunate to have so many people who pitched in and shared their spiritual gifts.“…. Solia