7 Gate Rajasthan – Anchor Group Reports Part Two
With Jeronimo
Our Calgary Anchor Group met again at Lorraine’s house and again for the third Activation in a row, it was throughout the night. We started getting together around 3:00 AM, lit up the candles in our sacred space. The vibration was set to 77. 7th Gate – 7 of us. Most of us were quite tired, dealing with core issues in our lives. As the Activation started, we entered our sacred space in silence, smudging with sweet grass.
We did the Go, stated our intent for the Activation, aligned with Master Cylinder in India and started the Starry Processional Dance. The dance anchored wonderful, cleansing energies, washing all the debris from our beings. We could feel it swirling around, cleansing and purifying. We could also sense other beings in the room: Archangels Michael and Metatron amongst them. Our Guardians this time were crystals who took on this task for the Activation.
A few days before the Activation I came across special crystals in a new-age book store that were shaped like a small pyramid (small, not even 1 inch tall); however they asked to come home with me and these were placed on our altar in our sacred space for the Activation. Looking at these three crystals, I realised what they remind me of the Belt of Orion ! Price I paid for these crystals – $9, $11 & $11.
After the Starry Processional, we did toning and aligned with the Master Cylinder again. We read the names of Anchor Groups and aligned with them as well. After this we had a break and decided we needed to have a little bit of rest. The shape we formed on the floor was a spiral – same one that is pictured in one of Solara’s books. The rest / sleep lasted about 2 hours, nobody was sure.
We shared our dreams / visions afterwards. There was so much going on that I cannot even try to understand. It was / is such a different space from our current reality, It feels very fresh and pure. We knew that to enter this space we have to strip down to our core; all the rest has to peel off like layers of skin on an onion.
There was a lot going on that I don’t remember: what I remember was Oneness, Love, Support and Major Transformation taking place. I remember going throughout the elements in our circle – Water in particular. We finished our gathering with doing the Earth-Star Dance, but combined with the 7 Elements. It was very interesting, 7 Elements doings the Earth-Star dance. It just felt perfect.
The 7th Gate Activation continued for us long after Oct 30th. We met again on 11 / 11. Lots of Core issues to process. The main issue that presented itself was „Healing our relationships through being One with the divine“. And healing of elements, water in particular. Again, the evening was set to the vibration of 77 Master Number – Core Being. When going home, I drove behind a taxi with its phone number printed on its back: 777-1111.
We are meeting again on Dec 11th, I have a feeling we are moving from 77 to 88. A few days ago my bill at the grocery store came to $77.88 !
Our Anchor Group feels so much more integrated, focused and anchored in Oneness since the 6th Gate.
I feel very grateful that I could participate in 7th Gate. Our group would like to express gratitude to Solara and our vast Starry Family around the world. Our One Being is getting more and more powerful every day.
Namaste…. El-An-Ra Anatara Ray (for the magnificent 7)
Dear Solara of the ONE,
Thank you so much!! Here are the fotos from our ceremony in Düsseldorf, where we had a real great time!!
I find it very difficult to find words (in English) to express the layers of perceptions…
I wish you waves of deepest love, coming from here and there, so that you might be able to integrate all these energies in your soul, dear Solara! I’m just a very simple member of our NET OF THE ONE, but I’d like to embrace you as a sister, giving you the feeling of being protected and guided and loved.
All the best for you and waves of Love from Düsseldorf… Verena
Our 7th Gate Anchor Group formed in Tullahoma, Tennessee. It was a strong group that took a while, but once flowing everybody was a pillar of light. For me personally, the Gates are a miracle in itself; they turn out to be a living being. Before we got ready to dance, we read all participating Anchor Groups including the last new added one. It took awhile before we could start.
For me the 7th Gate was about Seeing the Unseen, appreciating that what became visible and if I didn’t like it, to change it. My Transformation at this event was overcoming the limitations set by my ego and serve to my fullest
Before even the 30th of October, the obstacles became visible. The first location that I choose didn’t feel right because it would have been a combination of Full Moon gathering and birthday party. A location change dedicated solely for this event was recommended by me.
The sacred space became visible after heavy rainfall a week before the dance. There was an area that was flooded; it felt like it was prepared and cleansed. It belonged to a friend of mine. I told the person who initially helped organize the 7th Gate Anchor Group about the location change and there was tremendous resentment and ego fight coming up against me. The resentment was so big that he and his friend decided not to participate. My reaction was, I stayed anchored in my open heart.
The Weather Forecast for the 30th was wind and rain. When we got together, it was sunny and really windy; the energies were building up strong. Everybody could feel, some could see, the 7th Gate vortex trying to touch down. It moved about 10 feet above our heads, almost like a kite moved by the winds of transformation.
While we were dancing, the vortex zeroed in; the energy started grounding through us at the end of the dance. The Guardians were magnificent and the reality shifted for us in this moment. It was a glorious moment.
On the 30th, it was beautiful seeing all these people coming guided by their Light to serve the One Being. It was wonderful to see and to feel how much joy and strength there was — truly a blessing.
For me, having the integrity, not to compromise the work quality, through personal, or any obstacles but staying open in the heart, is a major Gift. After the Activation, I realized that my attitude and the 7th Gate had affected my whole life in such a way that the only way to describe it…. is Gratitude.
Thanks. In the One Heart……Ataana
The 7th Gate was an intense,powerful and magic experience.The destinated place was in Entre Rios, by Ibicuy River. It received us with all its majesty: a quiet and flowing river, singing birds, marvellous light insects, fishes jumping and playing along the current, a big moon rising among the trees and a sky full of stars inviting us to a greater expansion. Completeness. Silence. Unity. There was a strong manifestation and presence of all natural kingdoms.
Great Love approached and united us into One Being / One Heart, a unique melody with Solara in India and each
Anchor Group all over the world. So that…our dance began…our dance full of joy and light among the stars.
During the Activation, the Universe spoke – the sky was opened and the sun brightened magnificently pointing a circle without veils. Brilliant colours, holograms, very deep feelings accompanied the anchorage of the new energies into the Earth diamond.
Intense experiences that will always live in our beings, helping us to integrate ourselves, to ascend, to expand, to live our Greater Reality, to create a new world…
Love unify us throughout all the worlds within worlds!…. Grupo Ivy Maray