8 Gate 1 Mallorca – Anchor Group Reports Page 14
Mallorca, Spain
We want to thank you, Annu and Solara, for your pleasant and rewarding letter. It is a great pleasure for our whole group that, together with the rest of the Anchor Groups, we contributed in this wonderful undertaking. We achieved it as One and we love the feeling of knowing this.
From the very beginning of the 8th Gate Activation, a strange and special magic surrounded us and tingled through all of us; on more than one occasion the gleam of shared mystery came into our awestruck eyes.
We also experienced this throughout the peculiar manner in which our group was formed, and in the encounters of every participant who organized it, clearly demonstrating the immense wonder of the event.
There were 53 people in our Anchor Group (5 + 3 equals 8!). In a very surprising and moving way, we were able to create the perfect bond that linked us in a harmonious dance of our hearts. We also experienced this on our path to the new energies that arrived from the Heart of the Lotus. Something wonderful happened! Something that nobody will ever forget.
We hope to contribute again next year with you in order to complete the Activation of the 8th Gate.
We send you a big hug…. Lola and the Anchor Group of Mallorca
Odessa, Ukraine
WE’VE DONE IT! The 8th Gate Activation was so great, powerful and magnificent! We experienced the vastness point of Oneness during the Lotus Dance. The feeling of normal reality left us and the wild flow of energy poured down so strongly through our hands that we did not want to finish the dance. During the Dance of Elements, we felt freedom, great emotion and the merging of all the elements, people and the energies of nature into Oneness.
During the break, I felt a strong necessity to lie down as a Star of David, as did other participants. We felt as if we were in the Naakal Initiation of Creation, Birthing Man. During all the 11:11 Sacred Dances we strongly felt the presence of all the Anchor Groups. Our map was interlaced with their energies.
Thank you to everybody who is helping to anchor the Greater Reality…. Larisa
Chiang Rai, Thailand
Our Anchor group was small, but very powerful! We gathered as eleven women and one man, originating from all over the world. I am always amazed at the kind of people that come together in Chiang Rai; some live here, some flew in from Malaysia and a few just happened to be here at this time.
Sunday morning was the first time we could all meet together as a group and the energy was already very strong. We did a healing circle to align the energy of the whole group and because we are located in the Far East time zone, our ceremony began at 4 pm giving us time to prepare and get to know each other a bit more.
We started with a meditation and I played the crystal singing bowls. We appointed one Guardian who was replaced when needed and had an additional Guardian of a small Bodhi tree (Buddha tree).
After our meditation and some chanting to align our energies, everything was taken out of our hands. Felicity, one of our group’s participants, literally gave birth to the new energies. She was sitting on a meditation pillow and became Mother Earth; it was wonderful and amazing. She demanded that we bring her soil from the garden; she chewed the soil, mixing it with her saliva and placed it on each pillar of the hexagonal pavilion and then washed herself with the water in a bowl we brought her. The water was supposed to water the little Bodhi tree that was our second Guardian and wants to be planted in the north of the Sound Healing Pavilion. The tree is the protector of this sacred place.
At about 7 pm the energy was already here and completely anchored. We went for a celebration supper in the garden where everything was ready for the feast. We danced and enjoyed the wonderful energy.
Gratitude and Love from the Sacred Heart of the Lotus…. Katharina
Campinas, SP, Brasil
The people of Campinas were deeply involved in this magnificent planetary work with all their Love. With Love Lotus…. Celia
Åkersberga, Sweden
I am a soul-group of about a thousand incarnated souls, so on the day of the 8th Gate Activation I had to be with my large inner family. The day was so intense, so thick until 1:30 pm. I sat down to have a break and that’s when it came; I finally relaxed and stopped trying to ‚do the right things‘ which allowed the release of my tears. I experienced such deep Love….
I went out into nature and the snow, sitting there an hour feeling so relaxed and very, very connected with all of you around the Earth (the day before I had looked at the map for hours and tried to find all the places.) We have really anchored Lotus Love all over the Earth!
Since then, the Love comes in waves now and then, together with releasing tears. It has been
such a long journey. I have been here from the Beginning, experiencing so many layers of no Love. I am now standing on a totally new platform, or more or less floating in the Unknown. No Down, No Return.
So, I can report that the first family of Adam, Eve, Kain and Abel is on the Train. As is the Israel Tribe, Jesus, John the Baptiste, Magdalena, Maria, Hitler, Gandhi and many others. The Plan is working!! (Even if a small group inside is still afraid to move forward.)
Deep Lotus Love…. Solara Gunilla