8 Gate 2 Titicaca – Master Cylinder Reports Page 2
Dear Solara, a huge thank you for your work! it is very difficult to express words of a sense of gratitude that I have now, for the opportunity to touch the power that changed us, once and for all, the energy PURE HEART LOVE.
Upon returning to the activation of mosaic pieces, which I collected in my life for the last two years, gradually add up to a clear picture. In January 2008, at 35, my birthday, I gave a little Lotus. In early May 2008, I hosted a seminar on the Flower of Life, and it showed us the mudras of 8-Gate. My body and soul feel that they are very important for me, but may simply be remembered.
In summer, we went with a group of Okunevo, this sacred place near Omsk, Russia; under one of the lakes is an ancient temple with the crystal. While visiting at the lake, my soul felt that I have done something very important there. I left for a vacation in Croatia, taking with me your book “How to Live Large on a Small Planet”. On 08.08.2008 early in the morning I went to the mountains, made the mudras and then went up ahead until I reached a huge stone. I lay down on the stone, and suddenly I was under the sea, the sky above me, feeling part of the universe.
In September 2008, I went to Zina’s seminar in Moscow. Before the seminar I had problems with my leg and she was sick. The mind and the soul struggling whether to return to Omsk or go to the seminar. I chose the workshop and a new world opened before me. Dancing the Starry Procession, I remembered myself and again in the pure energy of the Lotus Dance. When I returned to Omsk, my leg was broken.
In the autumn during an English lesson on the question of which country you want to go to rest, my answer was Peru. Why, my mind invented an explanation; I would like to see the monuments of the Inca civilization because to me it was always interesting. A soul, I think, already knows everything. A couple of times, while visiting on a business trip I got to visit the Anchor Group in Moscow. Since the autumn in Omsk, we meet twice a month with a spiritual group based on people who have been to the Flower of Life workshops; three of us had participated in Zina’s seminar. Each time we made the 11:11 Mudras and taught this new people.
Two months before the Activation I felt the new energy. In the first few days in Peru I went with Ernesto to Aramu Muru. There, I saw a lot of pictures before my eyes, and at night I had a dream that I was connected with the Okunevo crystal. One of the greatest feelings in the first days of our Activation preparations was when we sat down after dancing and held hands. I looked into the eyes of people seated in front of me and realized that they really saw me. As this happened, tears of joy came to my eyes. I have memories that all of this I knew from childhood, but when faced with a different perception of the world of other people, shut down this deep into myself and forgot. After that I could not cry. I cried many times during our meetings. And now I am such a depth, I feel it very strongly. I am very much present.
As soon as we arrived at the Moon Island, I felt a familiar energy; it was the feeling of returning home. As we stood in our first large circle, and you activated us as a Master Cylinder, I felt a light coolness of energy pass through me and realized that I was here before.
During the Element Dance, I felt the energy of the Water Element, the beauty of the birth of the White Dragon, and the deep and powerful opening of my heart to PURE HEART LOVE. When we left for the Sun Island, I saw how you sung to us a song of farewell, and I recall that it had happened before. Part of me remained with you on the Moon Island. On the Sun Island the Lotus Dance was unforgettable in pristine silence. I felt a sense of unity with the world and with my Anchor Group. The song of love was painfully familiar to the soul language. It is time to leave, I came to bid farewell to the rock and then from somewhere from the depths of my essence – I felt pain, anguish, despair, and a lot of emotions that I cannot describe, I cried. Luda from Belarus felt similar feelings on the Moon Island. Anthony calmed me, saying that we will return here. We reunited the group in Copacabana, the exchange of energies, I see your smile and know that I felt all right, we have opened the 8 Gate. Then there was joy and the sadness of parting the last day, as we had found kindred souls, but I understood that we would be departing the body, but not the soul.
Before traveling more to Peru and Bolivia, I went with Empiya of Moscow and Pru of Arizona. We returned to the Moon Island for only 20 minutes. Again, it felt like home. I lay on the ground, crossed my arms and I was in the embrace of soft, good energy. I rocked like a child in the cradle with love and tenderness. It lasted seven minutes. I got up, thanked the central gate of the 8th Gate Mudra. Next, we went to the Sun Island and slept on it. This is directly opposite the Moon Island. At night we climbed to the mountain of 5,000 meters above sea level, under us was Lake Titicaca. As we watched the sun set, I made the mudras to send it PURE HEART LOVE, and I saw the Sun respond with a light pink and transparent mandala dancing in front of him. Then out of the lake rose a Full Moon, huge and yellow; today was the Full Moon. I did the mudras again. When I went to bed, huge stars shone on us.We were up early to greet the morning dawn; it was simply magical, giving us a desire to stay.
When we flew to Cuzco in Juliaca’s Airport we met Indigo; we sung to each other a song of parting, Ayoka. Next, we went to the Sacred Valley of the Urubamba river, making a stop in Pisac where we met a Master Cylinder participant from Brazil who was traveling with her daughter. Then we went to Ollantaytambu and everywhere we went we made the mudras. We went to Machu Picchu where I was one of the 400 lucky ones who could climb to Huaynapicchu. First, I went to the observatory where intuitively, I stood facing the west making the mudras; then I turned to the east and made the mudras. Then came Empiya singing in star-language, smiling as she danced the condor dance.
The climb up to Huaynapicchu lasted about 40 minutes. On the top were huge stones from excavation that we could use for seats. I sat on them as on a throne and was so grateful for the opportunity to be here, then a guard came and said that our 10 minutes on the top had expired. On our way down there was an inner push to look at the time on my telephone. I watched the time change from 11:10 to 11:11. We made the mudras, sent love and greetings to the whole world, to our entire team, to my friends and loved ones. As we started to descend again, I received a SMS message from my man in Russia. My message of love has passed through the Earth and the answer came back to me.
Last day in Cusco, we decided to go to Sacsayhuaman and climbed up the huge rocks to look at Cuzco and make mudras. We approached a local man, a Quechua shaman Chani, who told that this is a very important and holy place for their people. He took us to the Temple of the Moon where we bowed to Pachamama, the Earth Mother. Empiya suddenly looks at the time, and we understand that we may miss the plane. Farewell, he gives me his phone. The hotel, suitcases, airport, our flight had already closed down, fly the next flight, 11 June, our seats were 11B and 11C.
In the airplane from Lima, I throw a farewell glance at the ocean. I understand that I will come back here many times. Lake Titicaca, Sun and Moon Islands, Machu Picchu, you are forever in my heart. I feel that soon I will open a sealed order. Now I feel that I have a way to connect the different points of land with Omsk. Over the past 2 years I have traveled to the Czech Republic, Hungary, Belgium, Croatia, Israel, in Istanbul, Turkey, many cities in Russia, before the Activation was in Alma-Ata in Kazakhstan. And now Peru and Bolivia.
When I returned home, I met with our Anchor Group in Omsk. They told me about how they are doing, what they felt and saw during the Activation. They spoke the same words that we have said after the Activation. We all do very important work for the energy of our city and region and for the whole Earth. I feel change here after my return. Before the energy in our town was like a swamp; it sucks you in; now it is alive. I
PURE HEART WITH LOVE and gratitude…. Natalia
Dear Solara
So, let me try to reveiw here for you, how The 8th Gate Activation was for me. But, please try hard to understand my English. Hope to put here exactly what I mean…
Let’s start with the end…. I need to say how relived I was when you told us that the 8th Gate was already open before we made our ceremony and about your feeling that everything was already done, when you arrived there. That was exactly my feeling too. I confess that I felt a little disappointed when I arrived in the island… that was one of my learning. I must trust more and more on my inner thoughts, feelings and sensations. There, in the Isla de La Luna, I didn’t exactly understand my feelings… not 100% all the time. I even thought that I was not analyzing what was going on and just surrendered into the energy… But, part of me was expecting something “grandiose”… and it was “just” so bright and happy and I was as light as an angel in a sky… At that moment, YES I could realize that there was the Celebration of the 8th Gate – but part of me, didn’t trust myself… and that’s why I was so relived when you started to speak about it. I learned this lesson and had one surprise: I did not judge myself because of my reactions there, as I used to do. I just released the feeling and could understand something bigger… something had changed inside…
For me the 8th Gate started to open around Monday or Tuesday, when you showed as the new mudra for PURE HEART LOVE… I left the meeting room to see Cyro who was not feeling well with high blood pressure, and there, attending him, suddenly I felt an extraordinary energy coming into the top of my head through my whole body…. I felt myself awesome, completely awesome. Then, I ran to our meeting room again and a little after, you started to show us the new mudra: I exactly can remember Annu’s eyes into my eyes, inviting me… I just surrendered and then I realized that was the same energy around my body, that I had felt a few minutes before in Cyro’s room… What a feeling! The same awesome feeling again…
Dear Solara, I can tell you that from that moment until now, something is growing and changing inside me. For many days, I was always surrendering to this energy. Now it is a bit different, because it is deeper inside. I still can contact it all the time as I wish, but it is inside, no more around as was before. It is as strong as before, but more calm, deeper and I can recall it when I think / wish this incredible energy around myself for some reason.
No, I am not able yet to name this energy – how should I? How could I? But it is good, calm, warm, relaxing and is giving me a great understanding of who I am – as never before.
Solara, I want to add another very important moment in my life.
For me it was awesome, when you invited us to be our own master!!!! Because that was the thought I was having thru all my life and your invitation was a blessing. I felt myself so comfortable and happy that I just accepted your invitation. I deeply wanted to incorporate my mastery! Guess this is the greatest gain of all my Path. I have been learning, reading, working looking for everything, everywhere, as you can imagine…. as all of us. But somehow, I knew that now is my turn. I knew that now I have to go forward by myself. That moment I was really confident as never before and completely happy!!!! I achieved and became more aware that I could do it now, to be my Master, there with you in the second part of the 8th Gate Activation – in Titicaca.
And now I know deep inside myself, that I don’t need to go all the way, all the time alone, just by myself, but if it become necessary, now I know that I can do it!!!! Because it is not just me any more… is ONE BEING!!! Yes, a kind of paradox….
And now you tell us about the 9th Gate – ONE BEING IN ACTION … Guess I don’t have nothing more to say…. I just wonder where it is going to be? I am so curious about it. I hope that you will be able to give us the information very soon.
I thank you so much Solara – I am really impressed with your work. The way you pull up the best of each one of us. It was brilliant!!! Marvellous!!! And the incredible happened — the Invisible was visible!!!! We could also ‘see’ the energy flowing around – finally it is becoming closer and closer and REAL!!!
I know that we have birthed the PURE HEART LOVE Energy. I cannot yet say that what I am feeling is the PURE HEART LOVE Energy, but I am sure that I am in the right path and closer.
AH!!!!! I was also VERY much relieved, because arriving home, I started to eat as a lion!!!! I just couldn’t stop to eat!!!! and start to eat things that I hadn’t been eating for a long time such as meat, sweets , beans…. and amazing, I was not getting weight. One day, helpfully I mentioned that to Cris and was so relieved when she told me that you mentioned something about in your Surf Report.
Much Love, … Lucia Valente
Hello Dearest Ones, fellow Queens of Queens and Kings of Kings! ๐
An 11:11 Gate Activation is a beginning, not an end. Although the 8th Gate Part 2 Activation took place on June 5th, it really started the week before during our preparations (and beyond that, a Gate Activation is timeless!) The heightened energy of each Master Cylinder can affect us in different ways. During some (like 7th Gate) I barely slept each night. For 8th Gate Part 2, I always slept very soundly and often felt the need to lie down at other times. This was especially true in the days after the Activation once we all returned home, marching into the world in all directions as Aslans or Golden Winged Lions. This deep energy is still present, making the formation of these words a challenge, as they often are when one attempts to “explain the unexplainable”…
My True Love Alanah and I had the blessing of arriving in Peru three days early, giving us time to acclimatize and see sights such as the Uros Floating Islands on Lake Titicaca (the Lake did half the work of the Activation for us!) One local member of our group organized a few outings to Aramu Muru, a large 7 meter Gateway carved into a rock cliff. Legend says if you approach the Gateway properly, you can pass through it into other worlds. The correct way to approach the Gate is of course with others as One Being, not as an individual. The whole area was enchanting with several natural arches looking like dragon eyes; it really was filled with gateways giant and small, with the carved one just being the one most readily apparent. The wisdom of Aramu Muru was a useful peparation for the 8th Gate itself.
An 11:11 Activation Day is always a one-of-a-kind and enchanting experience, and 8th Gate – 2 being on an island among an ancient temple was especially so. The covered boats we took there reminded us of the those used during the evacuation of Atlantis (see Solara’s book “Legend of Altazar” for more about this event). Once we were in position, we began by doing all the mudras, rotating our circle, and then doing the mudras again. There were no Gateways of Initiation at this Master Cylinder, where each individual must do all the mudras correctly or go to the back of the line. On an outer level this was due to time limitations; however on a real level this didn’t seem needed because our One Being was so strong we were able to do the mudras and be initiated together. Hoku blessed our group with an ancient hula, combining chanting with dancing (Hula usually has the performer in just one role or the other, where it’s more challenging to do both).
Solara and Annu went around the circle lovingly annointing each person three times with special glitter. Shuuu! … Shuuu! … Shuuu! … It seemed to me that the first swoosh represented the energies of EL / Moon, the second RA/ Sun, and the final middle swoosh that of AN or the sacred union of Sun and Moon. We read aloud each of the Anchor Groups, connecting with and expanding our One Being to merge with them. Our Sacred Dances started with everyone in a large Starry Processional, at the end of which we did something new and sat still in our large star formation. This was followed by everyone doing the Lotus Dance together.
We then did our new Elements Dance. This involved not only the four Element Dances each containing two Dragons that would be awakened, along with eight in the middle forming the Lotus Heart, but also Kalasara embodying the Whale, and a couple in the very center of our Lotus Heart embodying the White Dragon! This Dance can easily be considered the height of the Activation and the moment 8th Gate-2 Activated. However this Activation was also effortless; it seemed like the Gate was already activated from the moment we arrived on Isla de la Luna. There were butterflies in red, orange, and yellow happily dancing in the middle of our sacred circle (along with blue dragonflies and bees) which seemed to welcome us and be thankful for that which was already present.
Right before the Elements Dance began, when the four element circles were awaiting their catalyst by Whale song, a breeze started up and I noticed a white bufferfly, the only one I saw all day. The inherent effortlessness didn’t mean that we ever dropped the focus or didn’t do what was needed. At one point to balance our circle, I was standing in the middle of a fire pit. Later I picked up splinters in my feet (as an Earth Element dancer, wearing shoes didn’t feel right) and even in my hands from touching the ground. ๐
After the Elements Dance our group expanded into two, with exactly half of our One Being travelling to Isla del Sol and the other half continuing on Isla de la Luna. This was the first time a Master Cylinder had been conducted in two locations simultaneously, the closest similar past activity being First Gate with its Alpha and Omega Master Cylinders. This was a sad parting, especially leaving Alanah on the Moon island while I went to the Sun. ๐ This wasn’t just a personal level parting, but felt like it embodied everyone who’s ever sought out or been separated from their One True Loves, including the Sun and Moon itself.
Those of us that went to Isla del Sol were warned about a long and difficult climb to the top; however this climb seemed effortless (another example of it) and felt only slightly longer then the climb up Isla de la Luna. I learned afterward that those on Isla de la Luna were doing the Pulsating Star Dance to help us up. This is a small example of the power of our Sacred Dances! Upon reaching the top, everyone formed a circle. An Aymara priest blessed our circle and each of us, for the current moment and for what each of us would do in the future. In his Aymara language speech there were references to Pachamama, the Mother Earth (who is also Mother Universe). Other local elders in magenta colored ponchos could be seen silently watching from distant rock formations (see “Legend of Altazar” again for the special role magenta ponchos play). We joined the Aymara priest in kissing the Earth, and he joined us in doing the mudras.
We then moved to a different flat area and formed another circle. A signal was sent to Isla de la Luna indicating we were in position, and all of us on both islands proceeded to do the Lotus Dance synchronized together! This was another point that can be considered the height of the Activation. After this we sang in Star Language to the Moon, just as those on Isla de la Luna sang to us or the Sun. The Sun group had a second expanding of our One Being, where the men formed one line and the women formed another line facing them. This made our Star Language Love go not only to those on the other island, but to those across from us. After a few minutes, the two lines spontaneously walked together. I found this unifying of opposites and moving toward each other very powerful, and as indicative of the moment of Activation as anything else that day. Afterward, when we all reunited on the docks of Copacabana, meeting up again with my own sweet sweetie Alanah was just as meaningful! ๐
I’d like to thank everyone involved in making 8th Gate Part 2 possible! These include, but are by no means limited to: Solara for continuing to hold the Beam in the Core of the Heart of the Lotus, Annu for conducting a few sessions and doing a huge amount to make this Gate possible. Sebastian for serving constantly and handling countless tasks behind the scenes for the group and for individuals. Ankasha and all the translators for translating every word spoken in every session. Everyone in our Master Cylinder who travelled to Peru and Bolivia in the physical to Activate 8th Gate Part 2. All the Anchor Groups for simultaneously holding the energies for us and distributing them throughout the world. The hotel staff for providing delicious food, clean rooms, and the environment in which we could work. I’d also like to thank less obvious sources which also made 8th Gate possible, which include those not physically present, such as friends and group members who pooled funds so one of their member could go the Master Cylinder, spouses or relatives who stayed home to take care of children, all those involved with previous Gates who laid the groundwork so we could move forward into the New, and finally everyone in the greater One Being of our planet who seeks out and works toward unity and Oneness.
More thanks and smooches! PURE HEART TRUE LOVE to the CORE, …. Arbaline of our One ๐