8 Gate 2 Titicaca – Anchor Group Reports Part 9

Kazan, Tartarstan, Russia

When we read the recommendations of Solara and Antara about carrying out the 8th Gate Ceremony, “It is necessary to send waves of strong, concentrated PURE HEART LOVE to the Master to the Cylinder and Anchor Groups of the world”, there was sometimes a disturbing thought: What if I will not feel so much Love? I will not be able to do this. Then all was simple and surprising. Approximately one week prior to the Activation, I started to feel pleasure and gratitude to the Universe that I and my friends had the possibility to participate in this significant and magic action. All alarm dissipated.

On the way to our Ceremony, an hour or two prior to the beginning of it, I thought of the people going during that moment to their sacred places, about the people preparing for the Master Cylinder. I was overflowing with Love to them. I felt pleasure and love waves free flow from me to them.

Our sacred space has been organised in the spacious new apartment of one of participants of our group. A place with a remarkable new energy, light and beautiful. Valentina’s apartment has a lot of indoor plants; we have chosen four of them to place in the corners. At the beginning of the Ceremony each of us has mentally addressed each Flower and asked it to be the Guardian of this space, to protect it and to anchor the energy coming into it. We did not have Guardian people because we were only 4 persons and one cat. When we danced the Star Processional, she delicately looked into the room from a hall, and during a break when there were only Guardians in the space, the cat lay in the middle and listened to the music.

Energy were felt strongly throughout almost all the time of the Ceremony. The difference how we felt during meetings of Anchor Group and during this time, was huge. Simply holding hands while sending Love the Master to the Cylinder and the other Anchor Groups, we felt such fullness and participation that we didn’t want to release hands. During the Star Processional which was at the beginning, even before reading the list with all Anchor Groups, some of our group felt the Oneness with all our brothers and sisters worldwide. Our deep connection with the Master Cylinder and Anchor Groups occurred by itself during this dance.

The second part of the Eighth Gate has allowed to us to feel gentle PURE HEART LOVE which we shared with each other and with the World. Valentina had an exciting vision: in her hands was a scarlet-pink heart which embraced all the Earth. The energy of Love – gentle and strong, joined the heart when we danced the Lotus Dance. In spite of the fact that us was only four persons, we danced both the Star Procession, and Lotus Dance, slightly having modified them.

We danced Dance of Elements at the end of the Ceremony. We decided not to prepare in advance for this dance, feeling that it would be the most true and strong if we danced it spontaneously. The strongest impression personally on me was made during the last part of this dance when the Elements united into one circle. We merged with each other in love. “I am Fire and I love the Earth, Water and Air and I merge with them!” Valentina as the Earth Element during the single dance of the Element, was not joyful. During the dance, she felt herself as a planet, ready to give birth to the child – New Landscape, but concerned for her child that the Love Space is not ready.

The Activation brought up many things. This began to be felt very sharply by myself and others. It happened to me even during Ceremony – my Ego that I had not gotten rid of suddenly closed the World of Pure Love. I was upset, set it aside, and was again aligned with the New World. I then had a thought: It was the beginning of the Shifting of the Worlds! The worlds really move. The sensation that something has irrevocably changed in the world has appeared at me on June, 6th. Everything has changed for the better. Partings with illusion are hard because they occur inside us, but sensations of the truth, ease and clearness of that vision stand! …. Ahera


Ravenna, Ohio, USA

Dear Beloved Sister Solara in the Light of Love,

May this find you in deep and serene beauty and Peace….I am so honored that you stepped into being Who You Are and touched the Light of my Heart so that I could in return ignite the light in others.

There where about 50 of us that did the Dance of Life and anchored in the energy June 5th. I have been doing this work through your inspiration for 25 years. Never before have I witnessed the beauty of folks stepping into the Truth of Who They Are as I have since the June 5th Activation.

Many other energy activations have been occuring at the same time and I have particapated in all I can. We are One. PURE HEART LOVE abounds. The Earth is ablaze with LOVE. Many blessing Beloved Sister. You Done Great Good. …. Rev. JoJean-Andromeda


Avoca, Ireland

Not really sure I have words for how I feel; it certainly has been and is the most loving experience I ever had. When I awoke on the 6th, all feelings of love had gone and I just felt space all round my heart; I had become All Love. The inner – outer conflict has gone and everything feels so ‘normal’, maybe whole would be a better word.

Over 30 of my mother tincture essences wanted to be poured on the ground in my garden during the 3 days before the 5th. On the 5 days previous to that, I made a new essence each day in pure sunshine. All leading up to and preparing for something I was not even sure I was going to be part of; the garden knew better LOL.

During the Master Cylinder, I was very aware of the energies, the hills and mountains around my house acted as guardians and instead of a spiral dance I did a spiral walk which activated the earth energies. Then at one point about 3 or so hours into the proceedings, as I was standing doing the mudras this wonderful energy came in, never too much or overwhelming, but my feet began to burn with so much of it. I felt fully connected with everyone during the Master Cylinder in such a safe gentle and loving way; this Oneness was never overwhelming like I have experienced it before and always in complete harmony.

My old car broke down in the week before the 5th. It turned out to be beyond repair and I managed to buy a wonderful replacement quite unexpectedly, driving it home on the 8th, I happened to look at the clock it said 11.11.

On the 5th, some of the mountains around my area acted as Guardians. I connected with all of the other Anchor Groups by looking at all of the different places on Google maps and putting pins into most of them; probably because I actually was on my own, I got to feel the wonderful love emanating form the different groups very clearly; it could be picked up from the computer.

I went outside did the mudras and a spiral walk with my dogs. There were some very large configurations to be walked, some actually through the house. The energy was very special loving and clear and all the animals participated too.

Then there was a still point during which I stood with my arms in (can’t remember exactly which) position, my feet became burning hot, after which it felt complete for here.

Bless you all for for being part of this very special experience. With PURE HEART LOVE…. Ursula & Nature


Lima, Peru

These are the pictures that Patty took yesterday.
Even though the camara seemed normal, they came out like that…

Everything was synchronized with the Anchor Group.Patricia chose a place to do the dances with small violet wild flowers in the center. Birds, butterflies and the horse doing brrrrr, after each mantra… JUST BEAUTIFUL.

We thank you for this so special and unique event, with all our LOVE, …. Patty, Arturo and Jorge



Colonia Martires, Argentina

To all the Brothers in the Light, we want you to receive the testimony of our work. The physical place was choose by a channeling of one of the group members (Laurita). The farm is 80 kms from where we live and it presents very special energy characteristics. Plus, my grandfather passed to another dimension here.

In this physical space exists native mountains and three fresh water springs. It is like a tiny example of a chosen place that show in synthesis the geography of our province in a natural way.

We had worked in this very large space, because we had the farm for ourselves. The farm has 107 hectares, in our route we cover about 2 hectares, and as you may see on the pictures all along the circle we walked round there were energy manisfestations and Light Showers that covered the participants. Moreover, let me tell you that a week ago I register on camera again the place and it is amazing how the energy continues to come down.

A hug from the Soul…. Nélida Marina


A todos los Hermanos de Luz queremos hacerles llegar el testimonio de nuestro trabajo, El lugar físico elegido fue por canalización de una de las integrantes del grupo (Laurita). La chacra está a 80 kilómetros de donde vivimos, y presenta características muy especiales en cuanto a manifestaciones de energía, Además allí el abuelo de quien les escribe paso a otra dimensión, tema que si les interesa les puedo contar en otro correo.

En ese espacio físico existen montes nativos, tres vertientes de agua dulce permanentes, es como un pequeño muestrario de un espacio seleccionado para mostrar la síntesis de a geografía de nuestra provincia en forma natural.

Nosotros hemos trabajado en un espacio bastante amplio pues teníamos toda la chacra para nosotros, La chacra tiene 107 hectáreas, nuestro recorrido fue de aproximadamente dos hectáreas, y como podrán observar en las fotos en todo el circulo que hemos recorrido se observan las manifestaciones de energía y los baños de luz que cubrían a los participantes. Además les comento que hace una semana realice un nuevo registro de fotos en el lugar y es impresionante como continua bajando energía.

Un abrazo de Alma …. Nélida Marina


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